The two major uricosurics are:
Uricosurics act by increasing uric acid excretion
in urine. The pri-mary goal in using uricosurics is to prevent or control the
frequen-cy of gouty arthritis attacks.
Uricosurics are absorbed from the GI tract.
Distribution of the two drugs is similar, with 75%
to 95% of probenecid and 98% of sulfinpyrazone being protein-bound.
Metabolism of the drugs occurs in the liver, and
excretion is pri-marily by the kidneys. Only small amounts of these drugs are
ex-creted in stool.
Probenecid and sulfinpyrazone reduce the
reabsorption of uric acid at the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidneys.
This re-sults in excretion of uric acid in urine, reducing serum urate lev-els.
Probenecid and sulfinpyrazone are indicated for the
treatment of :
chronic gouty arthritis
tophaceous gout (the deposition of tophi or urate crystals under the
skin and into joints).
Probenecid is also used to promote uric acid
excretion in patients experiencing hyperuricemia.
Probenecid and sulfinpyrazone shouldn’t be given
during an acute gouty attack. If taken at that time, these drugs prolong
inflamma-tion. Because these drugs may increase the chance of an acute gouty
attack when therapy begins and whenever the serum urate level changes rapidly,
colchicine is administered during the first 3 to 6 months of probenecid or
sulfinpyrazone therapy.
Many drug interactions, some potentially serious,
can occur with uricosuric drugs:
§ Probenecid significantly increases or
prolongs the effects of cephalosporins, penicillins, and sulfonamides.
§ Serum urate levels may increase when probenecid
is taken with antineoplastic drugs.
§ Probenecid increases the serum concentration
of dapsone, aminosalicylic acid, and methotrexate, causing toxic reactions.
§ Sulfinpyrazone increases the effectiveness of
warfarin, increas-ing the risk of bleeding.
§ Salicylates reduce the effects of
§ Sulfinpyrazone may potentiate the effects of
oral antidiabetic drugs, increasing the risk of hypoglycemia. (See Adverse reac-tions to uricosurics.)
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