Drugs and the immune system
Immune and inflammatory responses protect the body
from invad-ing foreign substances. These responses can be modified by cer-tain
classes of drugs:
§ Antihistamines block the effects of histamine
on target tissues.
§ Corticosteroids suppress immune responses and
reduce inflam-mation.
§ Noncorticosteroid immunosuppres-
§ sants prevent rejection of transplanted
organs and can be used to treat auto im-mune disease.
§ Uricosurics prevent or control the fre-quency
of gouty arthritis attacks.
Antihistamines primarily act to block histamine effects that
oc-cur in an immediate (type I) hypersensitivity reaction, commonly called an allergic reaction. They’re available
alone or in combina-tion products by prescription or over-the-counter.
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