A. Match the following.
cuckoo : blows
breeze : sings
river : swims
fish : flows
cuckoo : sings
breeze : blows
river : flows
fish : swims
B. Answer the following questions.
1. How did Santhosh record his diary?
At first, Santhosh recorded his feelings as an audio diary on his mother's phone.
2. Name some of the activities that the village children were doing on their vacation.
Amir was helping his father in milking their cows. Peter and Umaiyal were breaking groundnut pods.
3. Why did Santhosh forget to watch television or play video games?
As the trip was very enjoyable out in the village, Santhosh forgot to watch television or play video games.
4. Did Santhosh enjoy his morning walk? How do you know?
Yes, Santhosh enjoyed his morning walk. Santhosh felt that the breeze was pleasing and the song of the cuckoo was enchanting.
5. How did Santhosh spend his time when he went to the river?
Santhosh played for sometime in the cool water. Then he sat on a smooth rock and watched his friends swimming like experts.
6. How does Santhosh know that the river is clean?
Santhosh could see the pebbles in the riverbed and the colourful fish swimming by. These sights show Santhosh that the river is clean.
You already know singular and plural.
Try this.
1. Change -f and –fe, into -ves.
2. By changing their vowels, such as oo to ee or an to en.
3. Irregular plurals
4. Some nouns are identical in both the singular and the plural forms. Many of these are names of animals.
5. Add es for some words ending with o.
A. Look at the picture and tick (✔) the correct plural word.
B. Write the plural form.
1. leaf - leaves
2. mango - mangoes
Note to the teacher: Teach exceptions for the words ending with ‘o‛ like photo - photos, radio - radios, zero - zeros.
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