The Farmer and his Daughters
In the village of Manipuram, there
lived a wealthy farmer. He had three daughters. All his daughters were married
and living their life happily. The farmer was getting old. He wanted to
distribute his wealth to his daughters. But he wanted to know what
responsibility he could give to each of his daughters. He called all his
daughters and gave each of them a bag of millet. He asked them to use grains in
the best way possible and then come back to him after one year.
After one year the daughters came back
to their father’s house. The farmer welcomed all of them.
First he called the elder daughter and
asked about what she had done with the grains given to her. She
replied,”Father, I fed those grains to flocks of birds that I saw on my way
back to home.”
the father called the second daughter and asked the same. She replied,”Father,
I thought those grains were sacred. So I mixed those with other grains kept for
community food service. So that everyone could have it. After this, the third
daughter came. The farmer asked her about the grains.She said, “Father, I don’t
have those grains with me now. I need two bullocks and men to get the grains.”
Father was confused and asked her, “Why do you need bullocks and men to bring
the grains here?”
The daughter smiled and replied “I
sowed those grains and now it has grown as crops. So, I need a bullock cart and
men to harvest and bring back the grains.” Father was happy to know that she
used the grains wisely. Father found her apt and gave her the responsibility of
the fields. He distributed his other wealth equally among the other two
: give a share
: power
: a cereal grown in warm countries
: holy
: yield
: cleverly
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