Trends in Information Retrieval
In this section we review a few concepts that are being considered in
more recent research work in information retrieval.
1. Faceted Search
Faceted Search is a technique that allows for integrated search and
navigation experience by allowing users to explore by filtering available
information. This search technique is used often in ecommerce Websites and
applications enabling users to navigate a multi-dimensional information space.
Facets are generally used for handling three or more dimensions of
classification. This allows the faceted
classification scheme to classify an object in various ways based on
different taxonomical criteria. For
example, a Web page may be classified in various ways: by content (air-lines,
music, news, ...); by use (sales, information, registration, ...); by location;
by language used (HTML, XML, ...) and in other ways or facets. Hence, the
object can be classified in multiple ways based on multiple taxonomies.
A facet defines properties or
characteristics of a class of objects. The properties should be mutually
exclusive and exhaustive. For example, a collection of art objects might be
classified using an artist facet (name of artist), an era facet (when the art
was created), a type facet (painting, sculpture, mural, ...), a country of
origin facet, a media facet (oil, watercolor, stone, metal, mixed media, ...),
a collection facet (where the art resides), and so on.
Faceted search uses faceted classification that enables a user to
navigate information along multiple paths corresponding to different orderings
of the facets. This contrasts with traditional taxonomies in which the
hierarchy of categories is fixed and unchanging. University of California,
Berkeley’s Flamenco project is one of the earlier examples of a faceted search system.
2. Social Search
The traditional view of Web navigation and browsing assumes that a
single user is searching for information. This view contrasts with previous
research by library scientists who studied users’ information seeking habits.
This research demonstrated that additional individuals may be valuable information
resources during information search by a single user. More recently, research
indicates that there is often direct user cooperation during Web-based
information search. Some studies report that significant segments of the user
population are engaged in explicit collaboration on joint search tasks on the
Web. Active collaboration by multiple parties also occur in certain cases (for
example, enterprise settings); at other times, and perhaps for a majority of
searches, users often interact with others remotely, asynchronously, and even
involuntarily and implicitly.
Socially enabled online information search (social search) is a new
phenomenon facilitated by recent Web technologies. Collaborative social search involves different ways for active involvement
in search-related activities such as co-located search, remote collaboration on
search tasks, use of social network for search, use of expertise networks,
involving social data mining or collective intelligence to improve the search
process and even social interactions to facilitate information seeking and
sense making. This social search activity may be done synchronously,
asynchronously, co-located or in remote shared workspaces. Social psychologists
have experimentally validated that the act of social discussions has
facilitated cognitive performance. People in social groups can provide
solutions (answers to questions), pointers to databases or to other people
(meta-knowledge), validation and legitimization of ideas, and can serve as
memory aids and help with problem reformulation. Guided participation is a process in which people co-construct
knowledge in concert with peers in their community. Information seeking is
mostly a solitary activity on the Web today. Some recent work on collaborative
search reports several interesting findings and the potential of this
technology for better information access.
3. Conversational
Conversational Search (CS) is an interactive and collaborative information finding interaction. The participants engage
in a conversation and perform a social search activity that is aided by
intelligent agents. The collaborative search activity helps the agent learn
about conversations with interactions and feedback from participants. It uses
the semantic retrieval model with natural language understanding to provide the
users with faster and relevant search results. It moves search from being a
solitary activity to being a more participatory activity for the user. The
search agent performs multiple tasks of finding relevant information and
connecting the users together; participants provide feedback to the agent
during the conversations that allows the agent to perform better.
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