Quality Control
Quality control in construction typically involves
insuring compliance with minimum standards of material and workmanship in order
to insure the performance of the facility according to the design. These
minimum standards are contained in the specifications described in the previous
section. For the purpose of insuring compliance, random samples and statistical
methods are commonly used as the basis for accepting or rejecting work
completed and batches of materials. Rejection of a batch is based on
non-conformance or violation of the relevant design specifications. Procedures
for this quality control practice are described in the following sections.
An implicit assumption in these traditional quality control
practices is the notion of an acceptable quality level which is a allowable
fraction of defective items. Materials obtained from suppliers or work
performed by an organization is inspected and passed as acceptable if the
estimated defective percentage is within the acceptable quality level. Problems
with materials or goods are corrected after delivery of the product.
In contrast to this traditional approach of
quality control is the goal of total quality control. In this system, no
defective items are allowed anywhere in the construction process. While the
zero defects goal can never be permanently obtained, it provides a goal so that
an organization is never satisfied with its quality control program even if
defects are reduced by substantial amounts year after year. This concept and
approach to quality control was first developed in manufacturing firms in Japan
and Europe, but has since spread to many construction companies. The best known
formal certification for quality improvement is the International Organization
for Standardization's ISO 9000 standard. ISO 9000 emphasizes good
documentation, quality goals and a series of cycles of planning, implementation
and review.
Total quality control is a commitment to quality
expressed in all parts of an organization and typically involves many elements.
Design reviews to insure safe and effective construction procedures are a major
element. Other elements include extensive training for personnel, shifting the
responsibility for detecting defects from quality control inspectors to
workers, and continually maintaining equipment. Worker involvement in improved
quality control is often formalized in quality circles in which groups of
workers meet regularly to make suggestions for quality improvement. Material suppliers
are also required to insure zero defects in delivered goods. Initially, all
materials from a supplier are inspected and batches of goods with any defective
items are returned. Suppliers with good records can be certified and not
subject to complete inspection subsequently.
The traditional microeconomic view of quality
control is that there is an "optimum" proportion of defective items.
Trying to achieve greater quality than this optimum would substantially
increase costs of inspection and reduce worker productivity. However, many
companies have found that commitment to total quality control has substantial
economic benefits that had been unappreciated in traditional approaches.
Expenses associated with inventory, rework, scrap and warranties were reduced.
Worker enthusiasm and commitment improved. Customers often appreciated higher
quality work and would pay a premium for good quality. As a result, improved
quality control became a competitive advantage.
Of course, total quality control is difficult to
apply, particular in construction. The unique nature of each facility, the
variability in the workforce, the multitude of subcontractors and the cost of
making necessary investments in education and procedures make programs of total
quality control in construction difficult. Nevertheless, a commitment to
improved quality even without endorsing the goal of zero defects can pay real
dividends to organizations.
13-2: Experience with Quality Circles
Quality circles represent a group of five to fifteen workers
who meet on a frequent basis to identify, discuss and solve productivity and
quality problems. A circle leader acts as liason between the workers in the
group and upper levels of management. Appearing below are some examples of
reported quality circle accomplishments in construction:
On a
highway project under construction by Taisei Corporation, it was found that the
loss rate of ready-mixed concrete was too high. A quality circle composed of
cement masons found out that the most important reason for this was due to an
inaccurate checking method. By applying the circle's recommendations, the loss
rate was reduced by 11.4%.
2. In a building project by Shimizu Construction Company,
may cases of faulty reinforced concrete work were reported. The iron workers
quality circle examined their work thoroughly and soon the faulty workmanship
disappeared. A 10% increase in productivity was also achieved.
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