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Chapter: Object Oriented Programming(OOP) : Advanced Programming

The nature of template meta-programming - C++

Template meta-programming is much closer to functional programming than ordinary idiomatic C++ is. This is because 'variables' are all immutable, and hence it is necessary to use recursion rather than iteration to process elements of a set.

The nature of template meta-programming


Template meta-programming is much closer to functional programming than ordinary idiomatic C++ is. This is because 'variables' are all immutable, and hence it is necessary to use recursion rather than iteration to process elements of a set. This adds another layer of challenge for C++ programmers learning TMP: as well as learning the mechanics of it, they must learn to think in a different way.


Limitations of Template Meta-programming


Because template meta-programming evolved from an unintended use of the template system, it is frequently cumbersome. Often it is very hard to make the intent of the code clear to a maintainer, since the natural meaning of the code being used is very different from the purpose to which it is being put. The most effective way to deal with this is through reliance on idiom; if you want to be a productive template meta-programmer you will have to learn to recognize the common idioms.


It also challenges the capabilities of older compilers; generally speaking, compilers from around the year 2000 and later are able to deal with much practical TMP code. Even when the compiler supports it, the compile times can be extremely large and in the case of a compile failure the error messages are frequently impenetrable.


Some coding standards may even forbid template meta-programming, at least outside of third-party libraries like Boost.


History of TMP


Historically TMP is something of an accident; it was discovered during the process of standardizing the C++ language that its template system happens to be Turing-complete, i.e., capable in principle of computing anything that is computable. The first concrete demonstration of this was a program written by Erwin Unruh which computed prime numbers although it did not actually finish compiling: the list of prime numbers was part of an error message generated by the compiler on attempting to compile the code.[1] TMP has since advanced considerably, and is now a practical tool for library builders in C++, though its complexities mean that it is not generally appropriate for the majority of applications or systems programming contexts.


#include <iostream>

template <int p, int i>

class is_prime { public:


enum { prim = ( (p % i) && is_prime<p, i - 1>::prim ) };



template <int p>


class is_prime<p, 1>




enum { prim = 1 };



template <int i>


class Prime_print { // primary template for loop to print prime numbers public:


Prime_print<i - 1> a;


enum { prim = is_prime<i, i - 1>::prim }; void f() {



if (prim)


std::cout << "prime number:" << i << std::endl;









class Prime_print<1> { // full specialization to end the loop public:


enum { prim = 0 }; void f() {}




#ifndef LAST

#define LAST 18



int main()



Prime_print<LAST> a; a.f();




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