The concentric zone
theory was given by Ernest Burgess in 1925. He envisaged that the development
of a city outwards from a centre in concentric zones in a ripple-like fashion.
He made the following assumptions:
The city grows outwards in the form of five concentric zones or rings as long
as there are no physical barriers, such as rivers or hills to distort the
The city has a single centre.
Growth is accomplished by a simple extension of each zone outwards into the
next zone.
characteristic features of each of the five zones can be described as follows.
Zone A: The central
business district (C.B.D)
is the heart of the urban community where the commercial, social and civic
activities are concentrated. The heart of the C.B.D. or the downtown core has
office buildings, departmental stores, theatres, hotels, banks and civic
government buildings, while outside this core are warehouses and light
Zone B: The transition
zone next to the C.B.D
is the transition zone where the central business activities and factories mix
and invade an area of aging residential dwellings. This is also the zone of
residential decay where the new migrants come and live because the rents are
low and transportation costs to the workplace are minimal. Thus, these are the
sites of urban slums.
Zone C: The zone of
independent working men’s home
zone is inhabited by the blue-collar workers who are generally the second
generation migrants. These people have the capacity to own their individual
houses away from the C.B.D., but still live within easy access of their
workplace. Here, the family groups are more stable and crime rates are lower.
Zone D: The zone of
better residence
next concentric zone has middle and upper class residences which are
approximately 15 to 20 minutes by public transport from zone 1.
Zone E: The commuter
outer zone encircles the city and lies beyond the continuous built-up areas.
Much of this zone is still an open space and is often located beyond the city
limits. Here, small villages, surrounded by open country, gradually become
suburbs. Since people in this zone work in the C.B.D., the commuter zone is
located within one hour’s travelling time from the centre of the city.
stressed that the outward growth of the city implies that each zone is not
static. Business activities expand into the transition zone which forces low
income groups to move outwards. This group, then, displaces the middle class
and the wealthy that, in turn, are forced to move outwards.
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