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Structured Query Language(SQL) - SQL Commands and their Functions | 12th Computer Science : Chapter 12 : Database concepts and MySql : Structured Query Language(SQL)

Chapter: 12th Computer Science : Chapter 12 : Database concepts and MySql : Structured Query Language(SQL)

SQL Commands and their Functions

Tables are the only way to store data, therefore all the information has to be arranged in the form of tables.

SQL Commands and their Functions

Tables are the only way to store data, therefore all the information has to be arranged in the form of tables. The SQL provides a predetermined set of commands to work on databases.

Keywords : They have a special meaning in SQL. They are understood as instructions.

Commands : They are instructions given by the user to the database also known as statements.

Clauses : They begin with a keyword and consist of keyword and argument.


DDL Commands


You can create a table by using the CREATE TABLE command. When a table is created, its columns are named, data types and sizes are to be specified. Each table must have at least one column. The syntax of CREATE TABLE command is :

CREATE TABLE <table-name>

(<column name><data type>[<size>]

(<column name><data type>[<size>]……


Now let us use the above syntax to store some information about the students of a class in a database, for this you first need to create table. To create a student table, let us take some information related to students like admission number which we can use it in short form as (admno), name of student (name), gender, age etc. of the student. Let us create a table having the field names Admno, Name, Gender, Age and Place.

The SQL command will be as follows:


(Admno integer,

Name char(20),

Gender char(1),

Age integer,

Place char(10),


The above one is a simple table structure without any restrictions. You can also set constraints to limit the type of data that can go into the fields of the table. Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data in the database. Constraints could be either on a column level or a table level.

Column constraint: Column constraint apply only to individual column.

Table constraint : Table constraint apply to a group of one or more columns.

The syntax for a table created with constraint is given as below:

CREATE TABLE <table-name>

(<column name><data type>[<size>]<column constraint>, (<column name><data type>[<size>]<column constraint>……

<table constraint>(<column name>,[<column name>….])…..


Following is an example for student table with “NOT NULL” column constraint. This constraint enforces a field to always contain a value.



Admno integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, → Primary Key constraint

Name char(20)NOT NULL,

Gender char(1),

Age integer,

Place char(10),


The above command creates a table “student” in which the field Admno of integer type is defined NOT NULL, Name of char type is defined as NOT NULL which means these two fields must have values. The fields Gender, Age and Place do not have any constraints.


Type of Constraints

Constraints ensure database integrity, therefore known as database integrity constraints. The different types of constraints are :

(i)Unique Constraint

This constraint ensures that no two rows have the same value in the specified columns. For example UNIQUE constraint applied on Admno of student table ensures that no two students have the same admission number and the constraint can be used as:



Admno integer NOT NULL UNIQUE, Unique constraint

Name char (20) NOT NULL,

Gender char (1),

Age integer,

Place char (10),


The UNIQUE constraint can be applied only to fields that have also been declared as NOT NULL.

When two constraints are applied on a single field, it is known as multiple constraints. In the above Multiple constraints NOT NULL and UNIQUE are applied on a single field Admno, the constraints are separated by a space and at the end of the field definition a comma(,) is added. By adding these two constraints the field Admno must take some value ie. will not be NULL and should not be duplicated.

ii) Primary Key Constraint

This constraint declares a field as a Primary key which helps to uniquely identify a record. It is similar to unique constraint except that only one field of a table can be set as primary key. The primary key does not allow NULL values and therefore a field declared as primary key must have the NOT NULL constraint.

Example showing Primary Key Constraint in the student table:



Admno integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Primary Key constraint

Name char(20)NOT NULL,

Gender char(1),

Age integer,

Place char(10),


In the above example the Admno field has been set as primary key and therefore will help us to uniquely identify a record, it is also set NOT NULL, therefore this field value cannot be empty.

(iii) DEFAULT Constraint

The DEFAULT constraint is used to assign a default value for the field. When no value is given for the specified field having DEFAULT constraint, automatically the default value will be assigned to the field.

Example showing DEFAULT Constraint in the student table:



Admno integer      NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

Name char(20)NOT NULL,

Gender char(1),

Age integer DEFAULT = “17”, Default Constraint

Place char(10),


In the above example the “Age” field is assigned a default value of 17, therefore when no value is entered in age by the user, it automatically assigns 17 to Age.

(iv) Check Constraint

This constraint helps to set a limit value placed for a field. When we define a check constraint on a single column, it allows only the restricted values on that field. Example showing check constraint in the student table:



Admno integer      NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY

Name char(20)NOT NULL,

Gender char(1),

Age integer (CHECK<=19), Check Constraint

Place char(10),


In the above example the check constraint is set to Age field where the value of Age must be less than or equal to 19.


When the constraint is applied to a group of fields of the table, it is known as Table constraint. The table constraint is normally given at the end of the table definition. Let us take a new table namely Student1 with the following fields Admno, Firstname, Lastname, Gender, Age, Place:



Admno integerNOT NULL,

Firstname char(20),

Lastname char(20),

Gender char(1),

Age integer,

Place char(10),

PRIMARY KEY (Firstname, Lastname) → Table constraint


In the above example, the two fields, Firstname and Lastname are defined as Primary key which is a Table constraint.



Once the schema or structure of the table is created, values can be added to the table.

The DML commands consist of inserting, deleting and updating rows into the table.

(i) INSERT command

The INSERT command helps to add new data to the database or add new records to the table. The command is used as follows:

INSERT INTO <table-name> [column-list] VALUES (values);

INSERT INTO Student (Admno, Name, Gender, Age, Place)

VALUES (100,’ Ashish’,’ M’, 17,’ Chennai’);

INSERT INTO Student (Admno, Name, Gender, Age, Place)

VALUES (102, ‘Adarsh’, ‘M’, 18, ‘Delhi’);

Two new records are added to the table as shown below:

The order of values must match the order of columns in the CREATE TABLE command. Specifying the column names is optional if data is to be added for all columns. The command to add values into the student table can also be used in the following way:

INSERT INTO Student VALUES ( 102, ‘Akshith’, ‘M’, ‘17,’ ‘Bangalore’);

The above command inserts the record into the student table.

To add data to only some columns in a record by specifying the column name and their data, it can be done by:

INSERT INTO Student(Admno, Name, Place) VALUES (103, ‘Ayush’, ‘Delhi’);

The above command adds the following record with default values of ‘M’ for Gender and Age as 18.

INSERT INTO Student (Admno, Name, Place) VALUES (104, ‘Abinandh’, ‘Chennai’);

The student table will have the following data:

The fields that are not given in the INSERT command will take default values, if it is defined for them, otherwise NULL value will be stored.


The DELETE command permanently removes one or more records from the table. It removes the entire row, not individual fields of the row, so no field argument is needed. The DELETE command is used as follows :

DELETE FROM table-name WHERE condition;

For example to delete the record whose admission number is 104 the command is given as follows:

DELETE FROM Student WHERE Admno=104;

The following record is deleted from the Student table.

To delete all the rows of the table, the command is used as :

DELETE * FROM Student;

The table will be empty now and could be destroyed using the DROP command (Discussed in section


The UPDATE command updates some or all data values in a database. It can update one or more records in a table. The UPDATE command specifies the rows to be changed using the WHERE clause and the new data using the SET keyword. The command is used as follows:

UPDATE <table-name> SET column-name = value, column-name = value,… WHERE condition;

For example to update the following fields:

UPDATE Student SET Age = 20 WHERE Place = “Bangalore”;

The above command will change the age to 20 for those students whose place is “Bangalore”.

The table will be as updated as below:

To update multiple fields, multiple field assignment can be specified with the SET clause separated by comma. For example to update multiple fields in the Student table, the command is given as:

UPDATE Student SET Age=18, Place = ‘Chennai’ WHERE Admno = 102;

The above command modifies the record in the following way.


Some Additional DDL Commands:


The ALTER command is used to alter the table structure like adding a column, renaming the existing column, change the data type of any column or size of the column or delete the column from the table. It is used in the following way :

ALTER TABLE <table-name> ADD <column-name><data type><size>;

To add a new column “Address” of type ‘char’ to the Student table, the command is used as ALTER TABLE Student ADD Address char;

To modify existing column of table, the ALTER TABLE command can be used with MODIFY clause like wise:

ALTER <table-name> MODIFY<column-name><datatype><size>;

ALTER TABLE Student MODIFY Address char (25);

The above command will modify the address column of the Student table to now hold 25 characters.

The ALTER command can be used to rename an existing column in the following way :

ALTER <table-name> RENAME old-column-name TO new-column-name;

For example to rename the column Address to City, the command is used as :

ALTER TABLE Student RENAME Address TO City;

The ALTER command can also be used to remove a column or all columns, for example to remove a particular column, the DROP COLUMN is used with the ALTER TABLE to remove a particular field, the command can be used as:

ALTER <table-name> DROP COLUMN <column-name>;

To remove the column City from the Student table, the command is used as :


(ii) TRUNCATE command

The TRUNCATE command is used to delete all the rows from the table, the structure remains and the space is freed from the table. The syntax for TRUNCATE command is:

TRUNCATE TABLE table-name;

For example to delete all the records of the student table and delete the table the SQL statement is given as follows:


The table Student is removed and the space is freed.

(iii) DROP TABLE command

The DROP TABLE command is used to remove a table from the database. If you drop a table, all the rows in the table is deleted and the table structure is removed from the database. Once a table is dropped we cannot get it back, so be careful while using DROP TABLE command. But there is a condition for dropping a table; it must be an empty table.

Remove all the rows of the table using DELETE command. The DELETE command is already explained.

To delete all rows, the command is given as :

DELETE * FROM Student;

Once all the rows are deleted, the table can be deleted by DROP TABLE command in the following way:

DROP TABLE table-name;

For example to delete the Student table:



DELETE : The DELETE command deletes only the rows from the table based on the condition given in the where clause or deletes all the rows from the table if no condition is specified. But it does not free the space containing the table.

TRUNCATE : The TRUNCATE command is used to delete all the rows, the structure remains in the table and free the space containing the table.

DROP : The DROP command is used to remove an object from the database. If you drop a table, all the rows in the table is deleted and the table structure is removed from the database. Once a table is dropped we cannot get it back.



One of the most important tasks when working with SQL is to generate Queries and retrieve data. A Query is a command given to get a desired result from the database table. The SELECT command is used to query or retrieve data from a table in the database. It is used to retrieve a subset of records from one or more tables. The SELECT command can be used in various forms:

Syntax of SELECT command :

SELECT <column-list>FROM<table-name>;

·        Table-name is the name of the table from which the information is retrieved.

·        Column-list includes one or more columns from which data is retrieved.

For example to view only admission number and name of students from the Student table the command is given as follows:\

If the Student table has the following data:

SELECT Admno, Name FROM Student;

The above SELECT command will display the following data:

To view all the fields and rows of the table the SELECT command can be given as SELECT * FROM STUDENT;

(i) DISTINCT Keyword

The DISTINCT keyword is used along with the SELECT command to eliminate duplicate rows in the table. This helps to eliminate redundant data. For Example:


Will display the following data as follows :

SELECT * FROM Student;

In the above output you can see, there would be no duplicate rows in the place field. When the keyword DISTINCT is used, only one NULL value is returned, even if more NULL values occur.

(ii) ALL Keyword

The ALL keyword retains duplicate rows. It will display every row of the table without considering duplicate entries.

SELECT ALL Place FROM Student;

The above command will display all values of place field from every row of the table without considering the duplicate entries.

The WHERE clause in the SELECT command specifies the criteria for getting the desired result. The general form of SELECT command with WHERE Clause is:

SELECT <column-name>[,<column-name>,….] FROM <table-name>WHERE condition>;

For example to display the students admission number and name of only those students who belong to Chennai, the SELECT command is used in the following way :

SELECT Admno, Name, Place FROM Student WHERE Place =”Chennai”;

SELECT Admno, Name, Age FROM Student WHERE Age >= 18;

The relational operators like =, <, <=, >, >=, <> can be used to compare two values in the SELECT command used with WHERE clause. The logical operaors OR, AND and NOT can also be used to connect search conditions in the WHERE clause. For example :

SELECT Admno, Name, Age, Place FROM Student WHERE (Age>=18 AND Place = "Delhi");

The SELECT command can also be used in the following ways:

SELECT Admno, Name, Age, Place FROM Student WHERE (Age>=18 OR Place ="Delhi"); SELECT Admno, Name, Place FROM Student WHERE (NOT Place ="Delhi");

(iii) BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN Keywords

The BETWEEN keyword defines a range of values the record must fall into to make the condition true. The range may include an upper value and a lower value between which the criteria must fall into.

SELECT Admno, Name, Age, Gender FROM Student WHERE Age BETWEEN 18 AND 19;

The NOT BETWEEN is reverse of the BETWEEN operator where the records not satisfying the condition are displayed.

SELECT Admno, Name, Age FROM Student WHERE Age NOT BETWEEN 18 AND 19;

(iv) IN Keyword

The IN keyword is used to specify a list of values which must be matched with the record values. In other words it is used to compare a column with more than one value. It is similar to an OR condition.

For example :

SELECT Admno, Name, Place FROM Student WHERE Place IN (“Chennai”, “Delhi”);

The NOT IN keyword displays only those records that do not match in the list.

For example:

SELECT Admno, Name, Place FROM Student WHERE Place NOT IN (“Chennai”, “Delhi”);

will display students only from places other than “Chennai” and “Delhi”.

NULL Value :

The NULL value in a field can be searched in a table using the IS NULL in the WHERE clause. For example to list all the students whose Age contains no value, the command is used as:


(v) ORDER BY clause

The ORDER BY clause in SQL is used to sort the data in either ascending or descending based on one or more columns.

1. By default ORDER BY sorts the data in ascending order.

2. We can use the keyword DESC to sort the data in descending order and the keyword ASC to sort in ascending order.

The ORDER BY clause is used as :

SELECT <column-name>[,<column-name>,….] FROM <table-name>ORDER

BY <column1>,<column2>,…ASC| DESC ;

For example :

To display the students in alphabetical order of their names, the command is used as


The above student table is arranged as follows :

(vi) WHERE clause

The WHERE clause is used to filter the records. It helps to extract only those records which satisfy a given condition. For example in the student table, to display the list of students of age18 and above in alphabetical order of their names, the command is given as below:

SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Age>=18 ORDER BY Name;

To display the list of students in the descending order of names of those students of age 18 and above the command is given as :


(vii) GROUP BY clause

The GROUP BY clause is used with the SELECT statement to group the students on rows or columns having identical values or divide the table in to groups. For example to know the number of male students or female students of a class, the GROUP BY clause may be used. It is mostly used in conjunction with aggregate functions to produce summary reports from the database.

The syntax for the GROUP BY clause is

SELECT <column-names> FROM <table-name> GROUP BY <column-name>HAVING condition];

To apply the above command on the student table :

SELECT Gender FROM Student GROUP BY Gender;

The following command will give the below given result:

The point to be noted is that only two results have been returned. This is because we only have two gender types ‘Male’ and ‘Female’. The GROUP BY clause grouped all the ‘M’ students together and returned only a single row for it. It did the same with the ‘F’ students.

For example to count the number of male and female students in the student table, the following command is given :

SELECT Gender, count(*) FROM Student GROUP BY Gender;

The GROUP BY applies the aggregate functions independently to a series of groups that are defined by having a field value in common. The output of the above SELECT statement gives a count of the number of Male and Female students.

(viii) HAVING clause

The HAVING clause can be used along with GROUP BY clause in the SELECT statement to place condition on groups and can include aggregate functions on them. For example to count the number of Male and Female students belonging to Chennai .

SELECT Gender , count(*) FROM Student GROUP BY Gender HAVING Place = ‘Chennai’;

The above output shows the number of Male and Female students in Chennai from the table student.


TCL commands

(i) COMMIT command

The COMMIT command is used to permanently save any transaction to the database. When any DML commands like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE commands are used, the changes made by these commands are not permanent. It is marked permanent only after the COMMIT command is given from the SQL prompt. Once the COMMIT command is given, the changes made cannot be rolled back. The COMMIT command is used as


(ii) ROLLBACK command

The ROLLBACK command restores the database to the last commited state. It is used with SAVEPOINT command to jump to a particular savepoint location. The syntax for the ROLLBACK command is :

ROLL BACK TO save point name;

(iii) SAVEPOINT command

The SAVEPOINT command is used to temporarily save a transaction so that you can rollback to the point whenever required. The different states of our table can be saved at anytime using different names and the rollback to that state can be done using the ROLLBACK command.

SAVEPOINT savepoint_name;

Example showing COMMIT, SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK in the student table having the following data:

INSERT INTO Student VALUES (107, 'Beena', 'F', 20 , 'Cochin'); COMMIT;

UPDATE Student SET Name = ‘Mini’ WHERE Admno=105; SAVEPOINT A;

INSERT INTO Student VALUES(106, 'Jisha', 'F', 19, 'Delhi'); SAVEPOINT B;


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12th Computer Science : Chapter 12 : Database concepts and MySql : Structured Query Language(SQL) : SQL Commands and their Functions | Structured Query Language(SQL)

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