Rolling is usually used to produce the standard section. In this process, the
molten steel is poured in to continuous casting systems where it is passed
through a series of rollers which squeeze it to the desired shape before if
solidifies completely. It is subsequently cut in to desired standard lengths.
Cross section and size of the members are governed by optimum use of material,
functional requirement etc. Usually sections with larger modulus of section
compared to cross sectional area are preferred. IS Handbook 1 published by BIS
provides the dimensions, weights and other sectional properties of various
standard sections. Some of the sections as detailed by Figure 2 of IS 800:2007
is reproduced here in Figure 4.
for member axes
otherwise specified, x-x axis is considered along the length of the member; y-y
axis of the cross section is the axis perpendicular to the flanges in general
and the axis perpendicular to the smaller leg in the case of angles; z-z axis
of the cross section is the axis parallel to the flanges in general and the
axis parallel to the smaller leg in the case of angles; u-u axis is the major
axis of the section and v-v axis is the minor axis of the section. This is
schematically represented in Figure 5.
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