Read the passage and answer the
Becky Thatcher, his friend had stopped coming to school. This disturbed Tom. He
became unhappy. The charm of life was gone; there was nothing but boredom left.
He put his hoop away and his bat; there was no joy in them anymore and so his
aunt Polly was concerned. She was infatuated with patent medicines and all new
methods of producing health or mending it. She was incurable experimenter in
these things.
1. Who is Tom's friend?
Becky Thatcher is his friend.
2. Why did he become unhappy?
Becky Thatcher, his friend stopped coming to school. This
disturbed him. So, he became unhappy.
3. Who was his aunt?
Polly was his aunt.
4. Why was she concerned?
He put his hoop away and his bat, there was no joy in them
anymore. So she was concerned.
5. With what was she infatuated?
She was infatuated with patent medicines and all new methods of producing
health or mending it.
The boy remained bored. She began to assist the water with a slim oatmeal diet
and blister plasters. She calculated his capacity and filled him up everyday
with quack cure - oils. He became fed up and so he thought over various plans
of relief and finally hit upon that of professing to be fond of pain killer. He
asked for it so often that he became a nuisance and his aunt ended by telling
him to help himself and quit bothering her.
1. How did Aunt Polly assist the
She began to assist the water with a slim oat meal diet and
blister - plasters.
2. With what did Aunt fill Tom
Aunt Polly filled him up everyday with quack cure-alls.
3. Who became fed up with Aunt
Polly's activities?
Tom became fed up with Aunt Polly's activities.
4. What did Tom ask for so often?
Tom asked for the Pain killer very often.
5. What did Aunt Polly tell Tom
to do?
Aunt Polly asked Tom to help himself for the pain killer and
quit bothering her.
Rearrange the following sentences
in coherent order.
a. Peter was agreeable.
One day Tom was in the act of dosing the crack.
Tom opened his mouth and poured down the pain killer.
Peter sprang a couple of yards in the air and delivered a war-whoop.
Peter came along puring, eyeing the teaspoon greedily and begging for a taste.
Answer: 1-b, 2-e,
3-a, 4-c, 5-d
1. One day Tom was in the act of dosing the crack.
2. Peter came along puring, eyeing the teaspoon greedily and
begging for a taste.
3. Peter was agreeable.
4. Tom opened his mouth and poured down the pain killer.
5. Peter sprang a couple of yards in the air and delivered a
a. The charm of life was gone.
Becker Thatcher, his friend has stopped coming to school.
He put his hoop and bat away. There was no joy in them anymore.
That disturbed Tom and he became unhappy.
There was nothing, but boredom left.
Answer: 1-b, 2-d,
3-a, 4-e, 5-c
1. Becker Thatcher, his friend has stopped coming to school.
2. That disturbed Tom and he became unhappy.
3. The charm of life was gone.
4. There was nothing, but boredom left.
5. He put his hoop and bat away. There was no joy in them
a. Tom said, "Don't ask for it unless you want it.
Peter was sure.
One day, Tom was in the act of closing the crack, when Peter came along purring
and begging for a taste.
But Peter signified that he did want it.
You better make sure.
Answer: 1-c, 2-a,
3-d, 4-e, 5-b
1. One day, Tom was in the act of closing the crack, when Peter
came along purring and begging for a taste.
2. Tom said, "Don't ask for it unless you want it.
3. But Peter signified that he did want it.
4. You better make sure.
5. Peter was sure.
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