Types of Surveys
Once a decision has been taken
during preliminary investigations about the general feasibility and
desirability of a railway line, surveys are undertaken before the construction
of the new line. The following types of surveys are normally conducted:
(a) Traffic
(b) Reconnaissance
(c) Preliminary
(d) Final
location survey
details of these surveys are discussed in the following sections.
Final Location
Once a decision has been taken for a particular railway line
to be constructed, a final location survey is done. The instruments used are
generally the same as in the case of the preliminary survey. Final location
survey is done to prepare working details and make accurate cost estimates in
certain cases. The principal differences between the preliminary survey and the
final survey are as follows.
(a) In the
final location survey, the alignment is fully staked with the help of a
theodolite, whereas it is not obligatory to do so in the case of preliminary
(b) In the
final location survey, a more detailed project report is prepared and
(c) All
working drawings are prepared in the final location survey.
following tasks are carried out in the final location survey.
(a) The
centre line is fully marked by pegs at 20 m. At each 100 m, a large peg should
be used.
(b) Masonry
pillars are built at tangent points of curves and along the centre line at
intervals of 500 m.
(c) Longitudinal
and cross levelling is done to ascertain the final gradient of the alignment.
All gradients are compensated for curves.
(d) The sites
for station yards are fully demarcated.
In the
final location survey, the following set of drawings is prepared.
(b) General
map of the country traversed by the project at a scale of about 20 km to 1 cm Index
map, scale about 2.5 km to 1 cm
(c) Index
plan and sections
(d) Detailed
plans and sections
(e) Plans and
cross section
(f) Plans of
station yards
(g) Detailed
drawings of structures
(h) Plans of
junction arrangements
1 Objectives
The following broad objectives
should be kept in mind when selecting the best possible alignment in the final
location survey.
(a) Correct
obligatory points
(b) Easy
grades and flat curves
(c) Minimum
cost of construction
(d) Minimum
adverse effect on environment
(e) Ease of
(f) Potential
for high speeds
(g) Avoidance
of constraints for future expansion
(h) Minimum
maintenance cost
2 Project Report
A final project report is
prepared based on the final location survey. The report consists of the
In this segment of the report, the following details are
(i) Object of
investigation and background
(ii) Programme
and methodology of investigation
(iii) Special
features of investigation
Characteristics of the Project Areas
In this segment the topographical
outline of the areas and geographical features of the country are given to the
extent to which these are likely to affect the alignment, probable stability of
the line, cost of construction, working expenses, or future prospects of the
proposed line. Climatic and rainfall characteristics and environmental
characteristics such as the presence of corrosive factors, pollution, etc.,
which may have an effect on the design and maintenance of structures and
bridges, are also brought out.
Standard of Construction
This segment gives details of the following.
Gauge The gauge adopted for the
proposed line and the reasons, if any, for adopting it. Category of
line The category of the line, the maximum speed potential of the line,
the maximum axle load, the loading standard of bridges, and the basis for
adopting the same.
Ruling gradient
The gradient adopted and the basis for its selection.
Curves The sharpest degree of curvature
adopted, the basis for its adoption, and its impact on the projected
speed compatible to the category of line.
Permanent way The rail section adopted,
the decision as to whether welding of the rails will be carried out or
not, and the type and density of sleepers provided in the project estimate.
Ballast The type and depth of ballast
cushion provided.
Stations Spacing
of stations in the case of new lines, provision for future intermediate
stations, and the scale of facilities contemplated at stations.
Signalling and telecommunication The
standard of signalling adopted and the scale of communication facilities
Traction The type of traction proposed.
Other details Road crossings, station
machinery, residential accommodation, service and maintenance
facilities, etc.
Route Selection
This segment provides relevant information and data related to
the various alternative routes examined and gives an insight into the factors
influencing the choice of the route adopted for the project.
Project Engineering
This section furnishes information and data for the project
manager to enable him to understand the scope and extent of the project and to
assist him in formulating the strategy for the execution and management of the
project. It must focus on the problems likely to be encountered, identify the
areas requiring special attention, and place the knowledge and information
gathered at the investigation stage for evolving optimal solutions.
Estimation of Cost and Construction
This segment gives a cost estimate of preliminary expenses,
land, formation, bridges, permanent way, station building and residential
quarters, road crossings, station equipment, signalling and interlocking,
rolling stock, etc. The schedule of' construction as well as investment is also
given. A network should be developed for projects costing above Rs 5 million.
Project Organization
This section details the
organizational structure for the execution of the project, the proposed
headquarters of the project manager and other construction officers, as well as
the allocation of the various construction activities. Health and hygenic
conditions provided to the staff as well as the provision of necessary medical establishments
may be indicated, along with suggested plans providing for the housing of staff
and labour and the construction of temporary office buildings. Comments
regarding the availability of water for construction purposes and its
suitability for drinking purposes may also be given. The purpose and final cost
allocation of such plans may also be indicated.
Tabulated Details
The report is accompanied by
tabulated details of curve abstract, gradient abstract, bridge abstract,
important bridges, stations, machinery, stations, and station sites.
Arrangement of Documents in the Report
All the documents pertaining to a
final location survey report should be in the following order.
1. Covering
2. Index
3. Report
4. A list of
drawings accompanying the report
5. Appendices
to the report
(a) Historical
and geographical aspects
(b) Location
(c) Rates for construction work
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