Our Earth (Term 1 Chapter 1 | 5th Social Science)
I. Fill in the blanks.
1. The distance between the earth and the sun is 150 million kilometre.
2. Season are caused due to the revolution of the Earth.
3. The continent which is covered by ice is Antarctica.
4. The biggest continent is Asia.
5. Mars is described as Red Planet.
6.71 % Percentage of our earth is covered by salt water.
II.Match the Following:
1. Smallest continent - Earth's revolution
2. Blue planet - Australia
3. Neptune - Earth
4. Seasons - Earth’s rotation
5. Day and night - Farthest planet
1. Smallest continent - Australia
2. Blue planet-Earth
3. Neptune -Farthest planet
4. Seasons - Earth's revolution
5. Day and night -Earth’s rotation
III. Answer the following:
1. What do you know about the universe?
The Universe is a vast expanse of space. The Universe consists of billions of galaxies, stars, planets, comets, asteriods, meteoroids and natural satellites. The exact size of the universe is still unknown. Scientists believe that the universe is still expanding outward.
2. Define solar system.
Solar system consists of the sun, the eight planets, their moons, dwarf planets, asteroids and comets. These objects are gravitationally bound.
3. How did the Earth form.
Millions of years ago an explosion called the big bang occurred. Numerous stars and celestial bodies came into existence by that massive explosion. These celestial bodies together are called the universe. It is also referred to as cosmos.
4. Distinguish between Rotation and Revolution.
The earth has two movements. They are rotations and revolution. The earth rotates on its axis. It is called rotation of the earth. It also revolves around the Sun. It is called revolution of the earth. Day and night are caused due to the earth’s rotation. Seasons are caused by Earth’s revolution.
5. How many oceans are there in the earth?
There are five oceans on earth. They are : Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean.
IV. Answer in detail.
1. Write about the solar system.
There are 8 planets in our solar system. The outer planets are Gaseous planets. They are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The inner -rocky planets are Mercury, Venus, . Earth, and Mars. They are called Terrestrial planets. The frozen planets are Uranus and Neptune.
2. Write about the Planet Earth in detail.
The Earth is the third planet from the sun and the fifth largest in the solar system. The earth has two movements. They are rotations and revolution. The earth rotates on its axis. It is called rotation of the earth. It also revolves around the Sun. It is called revolution of the earth. Day and night are caused due to the earth’s rotation. Seasons are caused by Earth’s revolution. Life is possible only on earth because of the presence of land, air and water. Earth is called the Blue planet. We live on the surface of the Earth. It is made up of 7 continents and 5 oceans. The continents are : Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia.
3. Explain about the continents.
The Earth consists of seven continents. They are : Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. Asia is the biggest continent and Australia is the smallest one. Antarctica is a snow- covered land mass.
VI. Activity:
1. Collect images on various types of planets.
2. On a world map mark the five oceans of the Earth.
3. On a world map mark the deserts and forests.
VII. Mapwork
Find the Continents and write their name in the world map.
Make the Globe.
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