Let us do
can they do? Discuss with your friend and colour the boxes.
Let us say
Say aloud
Shake your
hand a a a
Shake your
leg e e e
Shake your
hips i i i
Shake your
body o o o
Shake your
thumb u u u
to the sound and repeat.
e o k g f m r
Ben has a hen.
Ben fed a hen.
Ben fed a red
Ben fed ten
red hens.
Listen and say
Note to the teacher: Show the
flashcards of the letters. Say the sound of each letter aloud and get children to
repeat it. Say the sounds as follows: e /e/ o /D / k /k/ g /g/ f /f/ m /m/ r /r/.
and say aloud
Say aloud
a pot
a hot pot
a hot pot on the cot
Let us practise
Let us do
Word wall activity
and Read
Divide the class into groups.
Select the leader for each
Ask the leader to roll the
dice to get a number from 1 to 6
The children in the group
read out the words for the number given in the word wall.
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