1. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each.
a) Why did the lady think she was entitled to walk down the middle of the road?
The lady thought she had got liberty to walk
down the middle of the road. She thought she was going to walk where she liked.
b) What would be the consequence of the old lady’s action?
A great confusion of the traffic would be the consequence of the old lady’s action.
c) What does the ‘rule of the road’ mean?
The rule of the road means that the liberties
of (everyone) all may be maintained and the liberties of everybody must
be reduced.
d) Why should individual liberty be curtailed?
Individual liberty should be curtailed because it
may affect public liberty.
e) How would a reasonable person react when his actions affect other person’s liberty?
When a reasonable person’s actions affect other
persons’ liberty, he would have submitted to a curtailment of private
liberty in order that he might enjoy the social order.
f) Define Liberty as perceived by the author.
Liberty is not a personal affair. It is a
social commitment. It should not touch the others’ liberty.
g) According to the author, what are we more conscious of?
According to the author, we are much more
conscious of the imperfections of others in this respect than of our own.
h) What is the foundation of social conduct?
A reasonable consideration for the rights of
feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct.
i) How can we sweeten our life’s journey?
It is the little habits of commonplace
intercourse that make up the great sum of life. It sweetens our life’s
j) What does the traffic policeman symbolize?
The traffic policeman symbolizes public
2. Answer the following questions in three or four sentences each.
a) What is ‘liberty’ according to the old lady?
The old lady thought she had got liberty to walk down the middle of the road. According to her liberty was entitled the pedestrian to walk down the middle of the road. She stressed her personal liberty here.
b) How would ‘liberty’ cause universal chaos?
An old lady walked down the middle of the road. There was a great confusion of the traffic. She argued that it
was her liberty. The end of her liberty would be universal chaos.
c) Why is there a danger of the world getting ‘liberty drunk’?
There is a danger of the world getting liberty
drunk in these days because individual liberty would have become social anarchy
such liberty would be universal chaos.
d) ‘Curtailment of private liberty is done to establish social order’ – Do you agree?
Yes I agree that curtailment of private liberty
is done to establish social order as a reasonable person. I would have
submitted to a curtailment of private liberty in order that I might enjoy the
social order.
3. Answer each of the following in a paragraph of 100–150 words.
a) What do you infer from Gardiner’s essay ‘On the rule of the Road'?
According to Gardiner, “on the rule of the road”
means the liberties of everyone may be maintained and the liberties of everybody must be reduced.
Individual liberty should be curtailed because it may affect public liberty.
When a reasonable person’s actions affect other persons’ liberty, he would have
submitted to a curtailment of private liberty in order that he might enjoy the
social order. The author says liberty is not a personal affair. It is a social
commitment. It should not touch the others’ liberty. We are much more conscious
of the imperfections of others in this respect than of our own. A reasonable
consideration for the rights of feelings is the foundation of social conduct.
It is the little habits of common place intercourse that make up the great sum
of life. It sweetens our life journey.
b) Explain in your own words, "What freedom means?"
The lexical meaning of freedom means
independence. It means to act and speak freely. But I think freedom means
responsibility. A responsible person never touch others freedom. He only can
preserve the social conduct, as Gardiner says freedom is not a personal affair.
It is only social contact. It is an accomodation of interests. As there are a
lot of people in the world, we have to accommodate our freedom to their
freedom.But a common man thinks freedom means just free to do whatever he
wants. This approach would produce anarchy. Different people have different
opinions about the idea of freedom. All socities define freedom in their own
respect. According to me, enjoying our freedom means we have to consider the
rights and the feelings of people around us.
c) "My right to swing my fist ends, where your nose begins." Elucidate with reference to, ‘On the Rule f the Road’.
The pharse ‘my right to swing my fist ends,
where your nose begins’ refers to the boundary where one can act but has to
stop when it approaches the boundary of another. It is about the demorcation of
liberties of an individual to the next individual. We each have our own
personal space and there is a boundary. In this essay by A.G.gardiner, it is
dealt that personal liberty is not more important than public liberty. Gardiner
said that he might like to practise on the trombone from midnight till three in
the morning. If he does it on to the top of the Everest, he could please
himself. But if he does it out in the streets, the neighbours would fight with
him. So his liberty must not interfere with their liberty to sleep in quiet. So
it is clear that one’s right should not interfere with another’s right.
d) Civilization can only exist when the public collectively accepts constraints on its freedom of action – Explain.
In ‘on the rule of the road’ Gardiner emphasizes the necessity of certain constraints on individual liberty, if society is to function in a truly civilized manner. According to him, liberty is not a personal affair only, it is also a social contract. A reasonable consideration for the rights of feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct. He also noted that in order that the liberties of all may be preserved, the liberties of everybody must be reduced. Gardiner offers his own illustrations such as the role of police officer in controlling traffic. The police officer’s role imposes constraints on personal freedom. But it ensures public freedom. Thus civilization can only exist, when the public collectively accepts constraints on its freedom of action.
❖ Introduction
❖ Author’s illustrations
❖ Rule of the road
❖ Author’s Liberty
❖ Conclusion
In the essay ‘On the rule of the road’ by A.G.Gardiner, the rule of being civilized is discussed.
Author’s illustrations:
The author illustrates the following incidents to insist that public liberty is more important than personal liberty. An old lady walked down the middle of the road. There was a great confusion of the traffic. She argued that it was her liberty. Thus the end of her liberty would be universal chaos. The police officer’s role, who controls the traffic, imposes constraints on personal freedom. But it ensures public freedom.
Rule of the road:
According to the author, the rule of the road means that the liberties of everyone may be maintained and the liberties of everybody must be reduced. Individual liberty should be curtailed because it may affect public liberty. When a reasonable person’s actions affect other persons’ liberty, he would have submitted to a curtailment of private liberty in order that he might enjoy the social order. The author says liberty is not a personal affair. It is a social commitment. It should not touch the others’ liberty.
Author’s Liberty:
The author said that he might like to practise on the trombone from midnight till three in the morning. If he does it on to the top of the Everest, he could please himself. But if he does it out in the streets, the neighbours would Tight with him. So his liberty must not interfere with their liberty to sleep in quiet. So it is clear that one’s right should not interfere with another’s right.
A reasonable consideration for the rights of feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct. It is the little habits of commonplace intercourse that make up the great sum of life. It sweetens our life’s journey.
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