In order to reduce the
anxiety that new employees may experience, attempts should be made to integrate
the person into the
informal organization. The initial T&D effort designed for employees is
the guided adjustment of new employees to the
company, the job, and the work group.
Purposes of Socialization
Socialization formats are unique to each firm. However, some basic purposes include emphasizing these areas: the employment situation (job, department, and company), company policies and rules, compensation and benefits, corporate culture, team membership, employee development, dealing with change, and socialization.
a. The Employment Situation
A basic purpose, from
the firm‘s viewpoint, quickly as possible. Therefore, specific information
about performing the job may be provided at
an early point in time.
b. Company Policies and Rules
Every job within an
organization must be performed considering the guidelines and constraints
provided by policies and rules. Employees must have an understanding of these
to permit a smooth transition to the workplace.
c. Compensation and Benefits
Employees will have a
special interest in obtaining information about the reward system. Although
this information is usually provided during the recruitment and selection
process, a review of the data is appropriate during Socialization.
d. Corporate Culture
The firm‘s culture
reflects, in effect, how w the way employees dress to the way they talk.
e. Team Membership
A new employee‘s
abilityeams is andmostlikelywillingnessdeterminedbeforeheor to she is hired. In
Socialization, the importance of becoming a valued member of the company team
may be emphasized.
f. Employee Development
Employees should know exactly what is expected of
them and what is required by the firm for advancement in the job or via
g. Dealing With Change
Employees at all levels
must learn to effectively deal with change in order to survive in their jobs.
The best way individuals can be prepared for change is to continually develop
and expand their sKills.
In order to reduce the
anxiety that new employees may experience, attempts should be made to integrate
the person into the informal organization.
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