Protein Synthesis: from the Nucleus to the Ribosomes
The central dogma of
molecular biology states that DNA will be converted into RNA by a process
called transcription and RNA will be
converted to protein by a process called translation.
Translation in non-reversible whereas transcription could be reverted: there
are viruses, such as HIV, that can make DNA from RNA with the enzyme called reverse transcriptase.
The nuclear envelope
is built from a double-layered membrane. The inner and outer membranes of the
nuclear envelope connect to form pores which are com-plicated structures
controlling travel between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Inside of the nuclear
envelope there is the nucleoplasm.
Nuleoplasm contains
chromatin (chromosomes). Chromosomes
store genetic information in the form of DNA molecules. Each chromosome
consists of a chain of nucleosomes, which are condensed long DNA molecules and
their associated histone proteins.
Chromatin is just another word for non-condensed chromo-somes. Visible parts of
chromatin (globules, filaments) correspond with non-functional DNA.
Ribosomes, which are particles that contain RNA and proteins, synthesize
pro-teins. The rough endoplasmic
reticulum (RER) has ribosomes along its sur-face, and the proteins they
create are either secreted or incorporated into mem-branes in the cell. The Golgi apparatus (AG) is made of
membranous sacs which are flattened and stacked, it modifies, packages, and
sorts proteins and carbohy-drates for the cell; this is not an essential
component of cell.
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