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Varun’s day out!
It was a warm sunny day, perfect for a picnic.
I am bored
at home.”, said Varun.
His mother said that they could go out for a picnic in the park.
“A picnic? Sounds exciting!”,
They sat down and made a list of
things to do and a list of things to eat. Then, they took an auto to the market
to buy groceries.
At the vegetable shop, Varun asked,
“Can we buy fresh carrots? We can make a tasty salad.”
Amma smiled, “Sure.”
Varun was curious at two similar
looking vegetables and asked, “What are they called?”
Amma smiled, “The one that is white
inside is called ash gourd and the other is called pumpkin.”
Then, Varun and Amma crossed the fruit
shop. Varun said, “Amma, I think we need some fruits for the picnic?”
Varun had already decided which fruit
he wanted. He wanted the big, green and juicy watermelon. Not just that, he
also wanted the reddish yellow ripe mango from the stalls.
there are so
many types
of rice and cereals here. Should we buy some?”
Amma then bought some maida, rice and
black gram.
After coming back home, Varun helped
Amma to store the vegetables, fruits and cereals in their place.
She then washed the rice and
black gram to clean it. She then
mixed and soaked them in water
for some time.
can I grind
them with
and Varun made
the batter
together for making
delicious dosas for lunch. They also
packed coriander chutney and tomato chutney to eat with them. They packed
the dosas in a round tiffin box and the chutneys in two small square boxes.
They grated the carrots, squeezed
lemon and added salt to make a salad that they can eat as a snack.
“Amma, Can I taste some salad now?”,
asked Varun.
Amma gave Varun some salad. “Yummm!”
said Varun.
Now, they started to cut the
watermelon and mango to pack them. Varun could not resist. He took a big bite
of the mango and the juice of the mango dripped and fell on his shirt.
saw Varun and
burst into
laughter. Varun joined his mother.
Now that all the food was ready
and packed, both left to the park.
Varun played on the swing and
slide. After some time, Amma and
Varun spread a cloth on the grass
and laid out all the food they had
“Thank you Amma. I had a wonderful
day!”, said Varun and hugged his mother.
Note to the teacher : Read the story to the children. Encourage them to know the names of the groceries and their uses.
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