Points to Remember
• Anything which occupies space and
has mass is called matter.
• Material which has a definite
shape and definite volume at room temperature with any number of free surfaces
is called solid.
• The molecule of a substance that
contains two or more atoms of different elements combined together in a
definite ratio, is said to be a molecule of a compound.
• Material which has a definite
volume, but no definite shape and has one free surface, is called liquid.
• Material which has neither
definite shape nor definite volume, is easily compressible and has no free
surface is called gas.
• Metals are elements that are hard
and shiny in appearance. Some metals used in our daily li fe are iron, copper,
gold, silver, etc. Metals conduct heat and electricity.
• Elements that generally do not
shine, that are neither too hard nor too soft are non-metals. All gases are
non-metals. Some non-metals are sulphur, carbon, oxygen etc.
• Elements which have the properties
of metal and non-metals are called metalloids. Some examples are arsenic,
germanium etc.
• On being hit, metals produce a
typical sound. They are said to be sonorous.This property is being made used in
making temple bells.
• The easiest way to represent the
element and to write the chemical formula is using symbols.
Disinfectant Chemical
substance which kills or prevents the disease causing microorganism.
Semiconductor Substance
which acts as bad conductor at low temperature and as good conductor at high
Reducing agent Substance
which undergoes oxidation reaction.
Carbohydrate Compound
which contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Bleaching agent Substance
which is used to remove the colour.
Preservative Substance
which prevents food being spoiled by microorganism.
1. Suresh S, Keshav A. “Textbook of
Separation Processes”, Studium Press (Inda) Pvt. Ltd (ISBN: 978-93-80012-32-2)
, 1-459, 2012.
2. Biochemical Techniques Theory and Practice
Paperback – 2005 by Robyt J.F. ISBN 10: 0881335568 / ISBN 13:9780881335569
Published by Waveland Press, Inc. , Prospect Heights, IL, 1990
https://www. chem1. com/acad/webtext/ pre/pre-1. html
Matter around us
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