Clinical manifestations of pelvic inflammatory
disease (PID) vary but generally include lower abdominal pain elicited by
movement of the cervix or palpation of the adnexal or endometrial areas. About
50% of cases are caused by N.
gonorrhoeae. Nongonococcal PID has a complex and sometimes polymicrobial
etiology, including C. trachomatis,
Bac-teroides, anaerobic streptococci, and Mycoplasma hominis alone or in various combina-tions. In general,
nongonococcal PID is milder than that associated with N. gonorrhoeae infection. The incidence of PID is five to ten times
higher in women with intrauterine de-vices than in those not using this form of
contraception. The diagnosis is established most reliably by culture of
peritoneal aspirates from the vaginal cul-de-sac. Treatment of PID is complex
because of the multiple etiologies and relative inaccessibility of the
definitive diagnostic specimen.
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