Juvenile dermatomyositis
Autoimmune inflammatory disease of
skin and muscles. Rare (inci-dence 2–3 per million) and occurs between ages of
10 and 14yrs. Cause unknown; infectious and environmental triggers are likely.
Erythematous rash plus two other
weakness of proximal muscles
oedema with heliotrope discoloration; scaly rash over MTPs and PIPs (Grottron’s
of one or more muscles enzymes: CK, AST, LDH, aldolase
changes of myopathy and denervation
biopsy evidence of necrosis and inflammation
(has largely superseded EMG and muscle biopsy in children)
from Bohan A, Peter JB. (1975). Polymyositis and dermatomyositis. N Engl J Med
usually insidious, rash may precede muscle weakness.
Rash: periorbital oedema with heliotrope
discolouration of upper lids; facial
rash includes nasolabial folds (unlike SLE); erythematous maculopapular rash
over extensor surfaces of MCP, PIPs, elbows, and knees (Grottron’s papules);
nail-fold vasculitis.
Muscles: typically symmetrical proximal
muscle weakness with fatiguability of
arms and legs; truncal weakness (unable to sit from lying); ‘Gower’s sign’;
palatal and respiratory muscles affected in severe cases with nasal speech,
poor swallowing, decreased lung volume.
Arthritis (60%): 2/3 oligoarthritis; 1/3
Lung disease (uncommon): interstitial fibrosis;
pulmonary vasculitis.
Diagnosis is usually made by typical rash,
proximal muscle weakness, raised muscle enzymes, and typical
MRI changes.
myositis (usually viral); overlap with autoimmune disorder (SLE and mixed
connective tissue disease (MCTD)); systemic arthritis JIA.
Calcinosis: linked with active myositis;
occurs in skin, fascia, subcutaneous
fat and muscle. Superficial lesions may be painful, erupt, and discharge.
Sheets of calcification may prevent movement and usually resolve with time.
Tumoural deposits may be surgically removed.
generalized or partial; painless;
generalized form associated with
insulin resistance, diabetes, liver disease, and short stature.
Muscle enzymes: CK; LDH; aldolase; AST; ALT.
ANA (6–60%): may be raised; Myositis-specific antibodies rarely present in children.
ESR and CRP: variable.
MRI (STIR or T2 fat suppressed): diffuse white signal throughout affected muscles.
EMG: low amplitude, short-duration
polyphasic potentials with early recruitment,
fibrillations, and repetitive discharges.
biopsy can show histological evidence of necrosis and inflammation.
Regular examination: muscle strength testing and muscle
Aim to
maintain function, normalize muscle enzymes, and limit steroid effects on
condition may be uniphasic, polyphasic, or continuous. Corticosteroids are
the mainstay of treatment. Methotrexate is used in more severe and persistent
severe cases as a steroid-sparing drug. Cyclophosphamide is used in some
centres for vasculitis. Treat for 18mths after remission induced. Some evidence
that aggressive treatment may minimize calcinosis.
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