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Chapter: Paediatrics: Child protection

Paediatrics: Emotional abuse

Persistent, emotional ill-treatment of a child that results in severe impair-ment in emotional development.

Emotional abuse


Persistent, emotional ill-treatment of a child that results in severe impair-ment in emotional development. This may involve:

Conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved.


Imposing age or developmentally inappropriate expectations.


Causing children to frequently feel frightened and threatened.


Seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another as in domestic violence.



This form of abuse often co-exists with other forms of ill treatment.




This is almost always gradual and difficult to diagnose. Symptoms are largely behavioural and may include:

Being excessively clingy.


Attention-seeking behaviour.


Overly anxious.


Overly serious.


Being anxious to please.


Parental behaviours are a clue to the diagnosis. Any of these must be per-sistent and severe, and have a major impact on the child in order to reach the threshold for emotional abuse:

Persistently –ve view of the child.


Inconsistent and unpredictable responses.


Expectations that are very inappropriate.


Induction of a child into bizarre parental beliefs.


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