Disorders of organic acid metabolism
A large group of disorders
characterized by a broad range of clinical symptoms and signs varying in
seriousness from trivial to lethal. Includes developmental delay, poor growth,
and episodic illnesses with vomiting and metabolic acidosis. Some of these may
be precipitated by prolonged fasting or minor viral infection. May be
associated with hypoglycaemia and ketosis or ketoacidosis.
by urinary excretion of abnormal types and amounts of organic acids.
by urinary organic acid profile.
Treatment: avoid prolonged fasting, and
administer extra carbohydrate during
Examples include the following.
Caused by methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
deficiency. Commonly presents in the newborn period with:
metabolic acidosis;
and thrombocytopenia.
May present in the newborn period
with severe metabolic acidosis, poor feeding and vomiting, lethargy, altered
level of consciousness, hypoglycae-mia, and hyperammonaemia.
type 1 is caused by deficiency of mitochondrial glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase. The
condition presents in infancy with episodes of hypotonia, dystonia,
opisthotonus, grimacing, fisting, tongue thrusting, and seizures.
type II is caused by deficiency of mitochondrial electron transport
falvoprotein or dehydrogenase. It may present in the following ways.
Neonatal disease: with or without dysmorphism
(abnormal facies, muscular defects of
the abdominal wall, hypospadias in boys, cystic kidneys); hypotonia; hepatomegaly;
hypoketotic hypoglycaemia; metabolic acidosis; hyperammonaemia.
disease: episodic metabolic
acidosis, failure to thrive, hypoglycaemia,
hyperammonaemia, and encephalopathy.
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