Assent and consent
In the USA, the term ‘assent’ in a
child is used to distinguish valid ‘consent’ from a competent adult. The
American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that assent should include at least the
following elements:
Helping the patient achieve a
developmentally appropriate awareness: of the nature of his
or her condition.
Telling the patient what to
expect: with tests and
Making a clinical assessment of
the patient’s understanding of the situation: the factors influencing how he or
she is responding (including whether
there is inappropriate pressure to accept testing or therapy).
Soliciting an expression of the
patient’s willingness to accept the proposed care: do not solicit a patient’s view without
intending to weigh it seriously.
Where the patient will have to receive medical care in spite of his/her
objection, tell the patient that fact. Do not deceive them.
The American Academy of Pediatrics
suggests that clinicians seek the assent of the school-age patient as well as
informed permission of the parent for procedures such as:
Venepuncture for diagnostic study in a
Orthopaedic surgery device for scoliosis in an 11-yr-old.
With regard to consent, the
clinician must present information in a man-ner suited to the child’s
developmental level. Parents should be able to assist, but in some cases they
may be too close to the situation to assess the child’s state accurately. Other
professionals can provide important insight into a particular child’s
developmental level and comprehension of the information presented. In the
process of consent, the child’s situation influences each of these elements:
and the purpose of the therapy.
and consequences of therapy, and of not having therapy.
and the probability that therapy will be successful.
In the UK, consent must be
sufficiently informed and freely given by the designated person who is
competent to do so..
adolescent if aged >16yrs.
adolescent if aged <16yrs and judged to be competent.
or local authority with parental responsibility.
Defining whether an adolescent
demonstrates competence can be difficult and may depend on the nature of the
procedure, as well as the child. The adolescent must possess qualities
associated with self-determination and self-identity, appropriate cognitive
abilities, and the ability to rationalize and reason hypothetically.
Understanding, intelligence, and experience are also important qualities that
may determine competence.
The patient must:
·Demonstrate an understanding of
the nature, purpose, and necessity of the proposed therapy.
·Demonstrate and understanding of
the benefits, risks, and potential consequences of not having the treatment.
·Understand that this information
applies to him/her.
·Retain and use that information to
make decision.
·Ensure their decision is made
without being pressurized.
Assessing competence is the legal
responsibility of the patient’s doctor or other designated health care
professional. A patient’s refusal to co-operate with competence assessment
should not be regarded as demonstrating incompetence. In England, Wales, and
Northern Ireland adolescents aged 16–18yrs can consent to treatment, but cannot
refuse treatment that is otherwise intended to prevent their serious harm or
death. Adolescents aged less than 16yrs may legally consent to treatment if
they fulfill the criteria for competence. In Scotland, all children and
adolescents may con-sent to treatment irrespective of age, so long as they are
deemed com-petent to do so.
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