For centuries opium was used
for both medicinal and recreational purposes. Derived from the poppy Papaver somniferum, it contains numerous opiates, the primary one of which is morphine. The term opiate has largely been replaced by opioid, which represents all com-pounds
with morphinelike activity and includes mor-phine, morphine derivatives, and
peptides. Opiate is used to refer to
morphinelike drugs derived from the plant and structurally similar analogues.
These drugs are frequently referred to as narcotics, a Greek term for stu-por,
which is scientifically obsolete. Even in its early his-tory, opium presented a
problem when it was smoked or taken orally. The introduction of the hypodermic
needle and syringe, however, drastically enhanced the euphoric properties of
opioids and thereby altered their abuse li-ability. In addition, the synthesis
of heroin resulted in an opioid that was more potent than morphine and ideally
suited for intravenous administration.
The abuse of opioids falls
into two distinct categories of users, those who initiate use solely for
recreational pur-poses and those who become physically dependent as a result of
being treated medically with opioids. As dis-cussed, the primary use of opioids
is for the control of moderate to severe pain. However, few patients receiving
opioids for pain management become dependent. Furthermore, dependence is less
likely if opioids are used judiciously. Acute pain can be con-trolled with
opioids such as hydromorphone or oxy-codone, which have a rapid onset and short
duration of action. In contrast, chronic pain is better treated with opioids
such as methadone or morphine (e.g., Dura-morph,
MS Contin), which are less likely to produce euphoria because of their slow onset of action. De-pendence in
patients is most likely to occur in those with pain of unexplained or poorly
defined etiology. Avoiding long-term use of opioids in this population re-duces
the risk of developing dependence. Development
of dependence should not be a
consideration in the man-agement of terminal cancer pain.
The primary illicit opioid is
heroin (diacetylmor-phine), which was once used almost exclusively by the
intravenous route. In recent years, the purity of street heroin has risen to
levels that allow it to be smoked or snorted.
First-time users frequently
experience unpleasant, or dysphoric, effects that may include nausea and
vomiting. The frequent user experiences a rush, or warm flushing feeling, in
the skin and lower extremities that is often equated with sexual orgasm. This
intense euphoria lasts for one to several minutes and is followed by sedation,
relaxation, and tranquility lasting up to an hour. This lat-ter period is
sometimes called being on the nod. All ef-fects have largely dissipated within 3
to 5 hours, which requires the user to inject at frequent intervals.
Pharmacokinetics plays a very
important role in the manner in which opioids are abused. Morphine and many of
its derivatives are slowly and erratically ab-sorbed after oral administration,
which makes this route suitable for long-term management of pain but not for
producing euphoria. In addition, opioids undergo con-siderable first-pass
metabolism, which accounts for their low potency after oral administration.
Heroin is more potent than morphine, although its effects arise prima-rily from
metabolism to morphine. The potency differ-ence is attributed to heroin’s
greater membrane perme-ability and resultant increased absorption into the
Tolerance to the unpleasant
effects experienced by some individuals at the initiation of opioid use
develops readily. Significant tolerance also occurs to the anal-gesic,
respiratory depressant, emetic, and euphoric ef-fects, although it develops
somewhat more slowly to respiratory depression. Little tolerance to the GI
effects and miosis develops. Cross-tolerance occurs with all known opioid
analgesics. Opioid tolerance develops more quickly and to a greater extent than
it does for most other drugs of abuse. The lethal opioid dose can be 20-fold
higher in a tolerant individual than in a neo-phyte. Tolerance develops within
a few days if potent opioids are given at frequent intervals, such as every 4
to 6 hours. Development of tolerance requires several weeks if the opioid is given
only twice a day.
The continued use of opioids
results in the develop-ment of physical dependence, as demonstrated by the
appearance of a characteristic abstinence syndrome upon interruption or
cessation of use. The symptoms of withdrawal include hyperactivity, anxiety,
restlessness, yawning, diarrhea, vomiting, chills, fever, lacrimation, and
runny nose. Piloerection (gooseflesh or cold turkey), mydriasis, increased
blood pressure and heart rate, and hyperpyrexia may be observed. Tremors,
ab-dominal cramps, and muscle and joint pain may be pres-ent. Drug craving is
an important feature of opioid with-drawal. In contrast to some other drugs of
abuse, withdrawal is not life threatening.
Although the ultimate goal of
treatment programs is to achieve drug-free status as quickly as possible, it is
rarely achieved without pharmacotherapy. The most commonly used strategy is to
switch the patient from a short-acting opioid, such as heroin, to a long-acting
ag-onist, such as methadone. It is easier to withdraw pa-tients from methadone
because it produces a protracted withdrawal syndrome that is less intense than
that pro-duced by heroin.
Opioid antagonists, such as
naltrexone, provide an-other treatment option in that addicts who are
com-pletely withdrawn from an opioid can be maintained on antagonists that will
block the pleasurable effects of subsequent injections of heroin. Mixed opioid
agonist– antagonists show promise in that they have sufficient agonist effects
to reduce craving while at the same time exhibiting antagonist properties.
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