Open repair of an abdominal
aortic aneurysm in a patient with coronary artery disease
following case will emphasize the care of a patient with vascular disease for a
major operation.
pre-operative evaluation of the patient with cardiovascular disease
cardiovascular physiology
invasive hemodynamic monitoring
intra-operative myocardial ischemia.
70-year-old man is scheduled for open repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Based on
the shape of the aneurysm, he was unsuitable for an endovascular stent
procedure. Instead, he requires a highly invasive, open intra-abdominal
proce-dure that involves cross-clamping the aorta for a time, with substantial
implica-tions for blood pressure management and potential for uncontrolled blood
The aneurysm has been followed for 3 years after detection during coronary
angio-graphy. Its diameter has increased recently by 10 mm, and requires
location and extent of the aneurysm determine the level of the aortic
cross-clamp. We are particularly concerned with the relationship of the clamp
to the renal arteries, as supra-renal clamping requires renal protective
maneuvers such as administration of mannitol. High clamp location may also
endanger perfusion of the lower 2/3 of the spinal cord, which is supplied by
the artery of Adamkiewicz arising from the aorta somewhere between T8 and L4.
of systems: Chronic hypertension; myocardial infarction (MI) 3 years ago with
sub-sequent 3 vessel coronary artery bypass graft (CABG); currently he has
stable angina with exertion, but walks 1 mile three times per week without
chest pain. History of congestive heart failure (CHF), last exacerbation 6
months ago, now without orthopnea.
rarely has vascular disease in only one vessel and we worry about cerebral as
well as more coronary arterial disease.
ACE inhibitor, beta-blocker, diuretic.
We will
ask this ASA IV patient to discontinue the ACE inhibitor the day of surgery,
but to take his diuretic and beta-blocker.
examination. African American man in no distress; weight 90 kg; height 6 (180
160/90 mmHg (equal in both arms); HR 70 beats/min; respiratory rate 12
Mallampati II; 3fb mouth opening; 4fb thyromental distance; full neck extension
CV: S1,
S2, no S3, S4 or murmur
Lungs clear to auscultation
extremities: mild edema.
patients with vascular disease, we check blood pressure in both arms because it
can vary significantly between them. We accept the higher one.
studies. Hgb 15 g/dL; Hct 45%; Plt 300,000/µL; Na 140 mEq/L; K 4.2 mEq/L; ECG:
NSR at 90 beats/min, Q waves present in II, III and aVF; ST segments at
baseline Echo (6 months old): left ventricular ejection fraction 35% (normal >50%); decreased wall motion inferiorly; normal
Not only
would we like to know his starting hematocrit, we should insist on a “type and
cross” for four units of blood for two reasons: first, because this procedure
can result in significant blood loss and second, because this patient has a
history of coronary artery disease and, in case of hemorrhage, we may need to
increase his oxygen carrying capacity. Measurement of electrolyte levels is
indicated in a patient taking diuretics, as these drugs can wreak havoc on the
electrolyte balance. The presented cardiac evaluation suffices if we go by the
“Eagle criteria.” We might ask for a chest radiograph to rule out pulmonary
edema if we are uncertain about the results of our auscultation of the lungs.
for anesthesia. We plan to use a combined epidural and general endotracheal
anesthetic, placing the epidural catheter pre-operatively under sedation.
of his cardiac history and anticipated hemodynamic swings associated with
aor-tic clamping and unclamping, we plan to place pressure catheters in a
radial artery and pulmonary artery.
anesthesia may help us both as a means to buffer the wildly varying after-load
from cross clamp application and removal (see below), and to improve
post-operative pain management. While we worry that the anticoagulation
required for this operation increases the risk of epidural hematoma, this
complication occurs primarily at placement and removal of the catheter, neither
of which we will do during the period of anticoagulation.
With the
arterial catheter, we can monitor the blood pressure literally beat-by-beat. It
also provides a conduit for repeated arterial blood gas and acid-base
determinations. We can use the pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) to assess
cardiac output and ventricular filling.
of anesthesia. We place the arterial catheter awake with sedation and local
inducing general anesthesia, we dose the epidural catheter with 2% lidocaine
with 1:200 000 epinephrine to obtain a T6 level.
pre-oxygenation, we induce the patient with fentanyl, etomidate, vecuronium,
and esmolol. We successfully intubate the trachea with minimal hemodynamic
swings. We place a PAC via the right internal jugular vein and record a wedge
pressure of 15 mmHg and cardiac output of 5 liters/min.
choose etomidate for induction because of its minimal cardiac depression, and
employ fentanyl and esmolol to reduce the tachycardic response to direct
laryngoscopy. Vecuronium has few side effects in the patient with normal
hepatic and renal function.
wedge pressure and cardiac output are in the expected range for this patient.
of anesthesia. We maintain anesthesia with isoflurane in air enriched with 50%
oxygen combined with a fentanyl infusion, titrating the isoflurane to keep
hemodynamics stable, and the BIS between 40 and 60. We re-dose the epidural
anesthetic every 60–90 minutes depending on the clinical situation.
the procedure requires an intra-abdominal approach, we avoid nitrous oxide. Isoflurane
depresses the cardiovascular system so we give as little as possi-ble, relying
on the hemodynamic changes and a “depth-of-anesthesia monitor” to guide us. By
using the epidural for operative anesthesia, we limit the requirement for both
volatile anesthetic and muscle relaxants, but its effects on the sympa-thetic
nervous system must be considered.
event – Cross-clamping of the aorta. In addition to the vasodilation obtained
from the epidural-induced sympathectomy, we administer a vasodilator such as
nitroglyc-erin before aortic cross-clamping. Infra-renal clamp placement
confers less risk of kidney problems, but still warrants consideration of
mannitol. Before the cross-clamp is placed, we administer heparin 5000 u i.v.
the aorta causes a sudden increase in afterload, which often but not invariably
dramatically increases the blood pressure. While the epidural can buffer the
increase by vasodilating the splanchnic bed, we administer vasodilators to
lower the blood pressure just before cross-clamping. An anticoagulating dose of
heparin prevents thrombosis below the cross-clamp.
event – Removing the cross-clamp. We prepare by increasing venous capac-itance
with nitroglycerin, filling up this new capacity with i.v. fluids or blood.
Immediately before removal of the clamp, we stop the nitroglycerin infusion,
acutely decreasing venous capacitance. The resulting transient volume overload
quickly dissipates following release of the cross clamp.
the period of cross-clamp, veins distal to the clamp recoil, returning much of
their blood to the heart. Subsequently, hypoxia causes both vasodilation
(increasing venous capacity in this area) and the accumulation of many
vasodila-ting and cardiac depressant metabolites. Thus, removal of the
cross-clamp opens up this large vascular bed, causing a massive shift in blood
volume. A major decrease in blood pressure may follow, unless we plan ahead to
fill that space with additional fluid and/or blood.
removal of the cross clamp, we document the presence of distal pulses via
Doppler, and administer protamine to reverse the anticoagulant effect of
heparin. We might test the adequacy of reversal with an ACT.
complication – Ischemia. BP 90/50 mmHg; HR 110 beats/min; SpO2 95%;
segments 3 mm downward sloping in V5;
mmHg; cardiac output 2.3 liters/min
7 g/dL.
The ST
segment changes suggest ischemia, and increased PCWP indicates ven-tricular
dysfunction and decreased compliance.
of ischemia. Transesophageal echocardiography: new anterolateral wall motion
titrate esmolol to HR 70–80 beats/min and add a nitroglycerin infusion as
We begin
to transfuse packed red cells.
transesophageal echocardiography, we look for regional wall motion
abnor-malities, ventricular volume and function. Treatment must improve the
myocar-dial oxygen supply : demand balance by reducing heart rate and wall
tension, increasing coronary perfusion pressure (diastolic blood pressure), and
increasing oxygen carrying capacity. Normalization of the ST segments and PCWP
indicate successful treatment.
from anesthesia. Following conclusion of the operation we leave the patient’s
trachea intubated and him sedated for transport to the Intensive Care Unit
where weaning from mechanical ventilation would occur over a day or two.
of the intubated patient requires manual ventilation and continuous monitoring.
We also bring along the equipment necessary to ventilate his lungs in case the
endotracheal tube becomes dislodged (mask, laryngoscope, extra ETT).
not necessary for this operation, with a suprarenal clamp endangering perfusion
of the distal spinal cord, we might awaken the patient immediately
post-operatively to document neurologic function of the lower extremities.
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