Chapter: Programming and Data structures : Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals


Objects are the variables of user defined data type called class. Once a Class has been created we can declare any number of variables belongs to that class. In the above example class student we can declare any number of variables of class student in the main function.



Objects are the variables of user defined data type called class. Once a Class has been created we can declare any number of variables belongs to that class. In the above example class student we can declare any number of variables of class student in the main function.


Using objects we can access any public members of a class using Dot Operator.



For accessing Data Members and assigning value:





For accessing Function Members:







Class_Name object1, object2, object3…….object n;


void main ()



class Name

student s1, s2,s3;      --  -- > s1,s2,s3 are objects(variables) of class Student


s1.rollno=28;           --  -- >  Object s1 assigns the value for the data member rollno=28


s1.getdetail (); Object s1 access (call) the function member getdetail () of student class


s1.printdetail ();;      --  -- >      Object s1 access (call) the function member


printdetail () of student class



Memory Requirement for Objects and Class:


Once the object is created memory is allocated for the data members of a class and not for its function Members‟ .So each object holds the total memory size of the data members. For example in the class student the object s1 holds the memory size of 5 bytes. Char I byte, int 2 bytes.


Once the class is created only single copy of function member is maintained which is common for all the objects.



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