Benefits to Listed Companies
The benefits that are offered to companies listed
with OTCEI are as follows:
Negotiability: The
Company can negotiate the issue price with the sponsors who have to market
the issue. It provides an opportunity for fair pricing of an issue through
negotiation with the sponsors.
Fixation of premium: In
consultation with the sponsors, the company can fix an optimum level of
premium on issue with minimum risk of non-subscription of the issue.
Savings in costs: Lots
of costs associated with public issue of capital are saved through this mode.
It provides an opportunity to companies to raise funds through capital market
instruments at an extremely low cost as compared to a public issue. The method
of sponsors placing the scrip‘swithmembers who in turn will offload the
scrip‘stopublicwill obviate the need for a
public issue and its associated costs.
No take-over threat: OTCEI
lists scrip‘sevenwith 40 percent of the capital offered for public
trading. The limit has now been brought down to 20 percent in the case of
closely held companies and new companies. As a result, the present management
of the companies are saved of threats of takeover if they restrict public
5. Large access: Accessing a large pool of captive investor base through the OTCEI‗s
computerized network is made possible for companies. Though nationwide network
for servicing of investors, companies
listed on OTC Exchange can have a larger investor base.
6. Other benefits:
Helpful to small companies
Shares of all unlisted companies can now
be traded on OTCEI
Platform for issuers and first-level
investors like financial institutions, state level financial corporations,
Foreign Institutional Investors, etc.
System for defining benchmark for
Increasing business for the market
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