Muscle Tissue
muscle is made of many long, cylindrical fibres arranged in parallel arrays.
These fibres are composed of numerous fine fibrils, called myofibrils. Muscle
fibres contract(shorten) inresponsetostimulation, then relax (lengthen) and
return to their uncontracted state in a coordinated fashion. In general muscles
play an active role in all the movements of the body.
are of three types, skeletal, smooth and cardiac. Skeletal muscle tissue is closely attached to skeletal bones. In a
typical muscle such as the biceps, the striated (striped) skeletal muscle
fibres are bundled together in a parallel fashion. A sheath of tough connective
tissue encloses several bundles of muscle fibres.
The smooth muscle fibres taper at both ends (fusiform) and do not show striations (Figure 3.7). Cell junctions hold them together and they are bundled together in a connectivetissuesheath. Thewallsofinternal organs such as the blood vessels, stomach and intestine contain this type of muscle tissue.
Smooth muscles are ‘involuntary’ as their functions cannot be directly
controlled. Unlike the smooth muscles, skeletal muscles cannot be controlled by
merely thinking.
muscle tissue is a contractile tissuepresentonlyintheheart. Celljunctions fuse
the plasma membranes of cardiac muscle cells and make them stick together.
Communication junctions (intercalated discs) at some fusion points allow the
cells to contract as a unit, i.e., when one cell receives a signal to contract,
its neighbours are also stimulated to contract.
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