F. Listen to the article titled “Remembering Nel Jayaraman”
In pairs, present an interview. One student will be the interviewer and the other would be Nel Jayaraman himself. Two sets of conversations has been given as examples for your help.
Student A : (interviewer) - Vanakkam sir. For what cause do you organise festivals ?
Student B : ( NJ) - I organise these festivals with a difference. I present seeds to all the participating farmers.
Student A : (interviewer) - Oh ! That’s really good, Sir. What do you expect in return ?
Student B : ( NJ) - In return I expect them to have double the harvest next year.
Student A : (interviewer) - Where did you organise the NEL festival ?
Student B : ( NJ) - We organize the NEL
festival at Adhirangam Village in Thiruvarur
Student A : (interviewer) - Can you mention how many people congregated for the meeting ?
Student B : (NJ) - Nearly 5000 people
congregated for the meeting.
Student A : (interviewer) - What did you distribute to the farmers?
Student B : (NJ) - I distributed traditional
Paddy seeds to the farmers . .
Student A : (interviewer) - How did you commute to each these villages?
Student B : (NJ) - I used my cycle or take a bus to commute to to those Villages .
Student A : (interviewer) - Ayya, Do you plan your schedules ?
Student B : ( NJ) - No, I don’t plan my
.Student A : (interviewer) - How could you remain so cool an clam sir ?
Student B : ( NJ) - I have an alternative solution for all the problems..
Student A : (interviewer) - Where was your heart and soul ?
Student B : (NJ) - My heart and soul was always in the fields and seeds.
Student A : (interviewer) - People say when your popularity grew, you spent less time in the field ?
Student B : (NJ) - I have spent my entire life in the fields only. I never care for any negative comments.
Student A : (interviewer) - What is your message to the world ?
Student B : ( NJ) - If you work selflessly for the society, it will give back.
Student A : (interviewer) - Thank you, Sir. Nandri
Student B : (NJ) - Nandri.
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