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Chapter: Civil : Engineering Economics and Cost analysis : Organization

Limitations Of Cooperative Society

Although the basic aim of forming a cooperative society is to develop a system of mutual help and cooperation among its members, yet the feeling of cooperation does not remain for long.

Limitations Of Cooperative Society


Although the basic aim of forming a cooperative society is to develop a system of mutual help and cooperation among its members, yet the feeling of cooperation does not remain for long. Cooperative societies usually suffer from the following limitations.


(a)  Limited Capital: Most of the cooperative societies suffer from lack of capital. Since the members


of the society come from a limited area or class and usually have limited means, it is not possible to collect huge capital from them. Again, government's assistance is often inadequate for them.


(b) Lack of Managerial Expertise: The Managing Committee of a cooperative society is not always able to manage the society in an effective and efficient way due to lack of managerial expertise. Again due to lack of funds they are also not able to derive the benefits of professional management.


(c)  Less Motivation: Since the rate of return on capital investment is less, the members do not always feel involved in the affairs of the society.


(d) Lack of Interest: Once the first wave of enthusiasm to start and run the business is exhausted, intrigue and factionalism arise among members. This makes the cooperative lifeless and inactive.


(e)  Corruption: Inspite of government's regulation and periodical audit of the accounts of the cooperative society, the corrupt practices in the management cannot be completely ignored.


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