You stayed with your grandparents at your
native village during Pongal. You had an unforgettable time with them. You
visited the village fair and enjoyed the simple pleasures of life like bathing
in the river, strolling in the fields, eating food cooked in earthen utensils
over firewood, sleeping on a cot on the terrace under the star-lit sky,
visiting temple fairs and watching Karagattam presentation.
F. Write a letter to your friend, describing the joy of
celebrating festivals in a village, with the inputs given above.
52, North Car Street,
My dear Suresh,
Hope you are fine! I write to you to share my happiness with
I had been to my native village. It was pongal season. I stayed
with my grandparents. I had an unforgettable time with them. I enjoyed bathing
in the river. I liked strolling in the fields very much. It was fantastic to
see them cooking food in earthen utensils over fire-wood. The meal was very
delicious. The temple festival fairs were very grand. I enjoyed watching
I missed you very much. You must visit our village next time.
Yours Sincerely
R. Mahendra Varman
Address on the
To Stamp
A. Suresh
45, III Main Street, Millerpuram
Tuticorin - 628 002.
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