Don't Say: You should go to your house now.
Say: You
should go home now.
Note: A
house is any building used for dwelling in, and a home is the particular house
in which someone lives.
Don't Say: Stand in the middle of the circle.
Say: Stand
in the centre of the circle.
Note: Centre
is the point that is equidistant from the edge of a circle.Middle is the area
equidistant from two sides eg. Middle of
the road, row, page.
Don't Say: It was a long travel.
Say: It
was a long journey.
Note: Travel is the general term to describe going from one place to another. A journey is one single travel. You make journeys when you travel from one place to another. You cannot say a travel.
I. Correct the order of the words in bold and write
them in the blanks.
1. Green little the
chilli The green little chilli was very hot.
2. Sailors many brave Many brave sailors tried to find a sea
route to India.
3. Brown dog the big The big brown dog barked at the children.
4. The spice most common The most common spice used today is the red chilli
5. The path mud long The long mud path led to a beautiful
J. Play this game in the class. Make two teams.
Each team should describe
something in the class using at least three words. The other team should guess it.
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