Types of Structure
1. Fame less
- large paneled structures - External and Internal
wall panels - Floor and roof panels (of room single)
2. Framed
buildings : Columns, beams & floor elements.
Stages of work in pre-casting
On -SITE : Open yard casting or
covered but purely temporary or semi-permanent type of set-up with partly
mechanized facilities.
Influencing method of manufacture
single and the total no of elements to be produced
1. The
single of the element may decide the reinforcement of space for production as
well as the capacity of the handling equipment is decided by the heorist
rate of output: This will have direct bearing on the nf of moulds required
degree of mechanization and need for accelerated method of curving.
3. Shape,
type and construction features of these elements
Features such as special shares, projected reinforcement,
required finish on the surface on single layer or multi layer largely influence
the design of the mould and technical castings.
Horizontal casting techniques are favoured for curved
elements, multi larged elements and element which require some particular
finish vertical casting is favoured for single layer solid panel which require
no special finish on their surfaces.
4. Facilities
available in the production set u : An accelerated curing facility will result
in quick turn over of mould which can be advantageously used. Machineries like
over head gantry crane, will aid speedly production in handling.
5. Economic
aspects : The cost of production should be minimum.
Both moulding and demoulding in horizontal position -External
panel wall ; floor panes with protruded reinforcements, beams, columns, etc.
reinforcements to take ease of bending stresses.
Moulds :
is carried out in almost vertical position. No extra reinforcement is
One end is hinged and the other end is lifted with
the aid of a fack or lifting equipment.
forming & Extrusion:
This method is achieved with a moving machine
mould which forms the cross sectional shape of the element and the element
hardening at the point where it is moulded. Precast pre stressed floor elements
both solid & hollw are manufactured using this techniques.
laying - slips (Concrete buckets of various capacities)
- either manually or with a mechanical spreads.
- with the help of shutter vibrates.
- long & heavy wooden floats surface finishing - Travelling.
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