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Chapter: Civil : Environmental Engineering : Water Distribution And Supply To Buildings

Important Question And Answer: Water Distribution And Supply To Buildings

Important Question And Answer: Water Distribution And Supply To Buildings

Important Question And Answer: Water Distribution And Supply To Buildings



1.What is meant by sludge concentrator unit ?


        the sludge obtained in a sludge digestion plant contains too much of moisture and is therefore very bulky may be reduced in its moisture content by sending into sludge thicker unit (or) sludge concentrator unit


2.Give different types of thicker unit


        Gravity thickener


        Floating thickener


        Centrifugal  thickener


3.What are the methods of disposal of septic tank effluent?


        Soil absorption system


        Biological filters


         up flow anaerobic filters 4.Define percolation rate


        peculation rate is defined as the time in minuets required for sewage of water through that ground by one cm


5.what are the soil absorption system


        dispersion trench


seepage pit (or) soak pit


6.What are the methods of applying sewage effluents to forms ?


      surface irrigation


      free flooding


      border flooding


      check flooding


7.What is meant by oxygen sag curve?


      The amount of resultant oxygen deflect can be obtained by algebraically adding the de -oxygenation and re -oxygenation curves. The resultant curve so obtained is called oxygen sag curve


8.What is meant by sewage sickness?


      The phenomena of soil getting clogged when the sewage is applied continuously on a piece of land is called sewage sickness


9.What are the preventive methods for sewage sickness?


      Primary treatment of sewage


      Choice of land


      Under drainage of soil


      Giving rest to land and Rotation of crops 10.Define dilution factor


      The dilution factor is defined as the ratio of the amount of river water to the amount of the sewage


11.What is meant by self purification?


      The automatic purification of natural water is known as self purification 12.List various natural forces of self purification


      Physical forces


      Chemical forces



13.What are the factors affecting the reduction ?




      Turbulence effect of wind




      Available dissolved oxygen


      Rate of re -aeration


14.What is meant by prim lake pollutant ?


      The phosphorus which contains in domestic sewage as well as in the industrial waste which affect the water quality of the lake and its called prim lake pollutant


15.What is meant by de oxygenation curve?


      The curve which represents (or) showing the depletion of D.O with time at the given temperature


16.How the river maintaining its clearness?


      The turbulence in the water body helps in breaking the surface of the stream and helps in rapid re aeration from the atmosphere. Thus it helps in maintaining aerobic conditions in the stream and keeping it clear


17.Name the biological zone in lakes


      Euphonic zone


      Littoral zone


      Benthic zone


18.What is meant by re -oxygenation?


      In order to counter balance the consumption of D.O due to the de - oxygenation ,atmosphere supplies oxygen to the water and the process is called the re -oxygenation


19.What is meant by zone of recovery?


      The zone in which the river water tries to recover from its degraded conditions to its former appearance is called zone of recovery


20.What is meant by sludge banks?


       When the solid waste are thrown into the sea water, chemical react with the dissolved matter of sea water and resulting in some precipitation of solid waste giving a milky appearance to sea water forming the sludge banks



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Civil : Environmental Engineering : Water Distribution And Supply To Buildings : Important Question And Answer: Water Distribution And Supply To Buildings |

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