Humayun’s Return from Exile
After Sher Shah’s death in 1545 his weak successors
ruled for ten years. Humayun,who had fled after his defeat at Kanauj, had taken
asylum in Persia. Humayun then went to Afghanistan with Persian troops. He
succeeded in capturing Kandahar and Kabul. But his brother Kamran did not allow
him to hold them in peace. The struggle between the brothers intensified, and
yet in the end Kamran had to seek a compromise with Humayun. Meanwhile the Sur
empire had fragmented, and so Humayun’s invasion became easy. The Afghan forces
in Punjab, on the approach of Mughals, began to flee. Humayun became the
Emperor once again. He died very soon after regaining Delhi when he slipped
down the stairs of the library in the fort at Delhi. In the colourful words of
Lane Poole, “Humayun stumbled out of his life, as he has stumbled through it.”
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