Home management of
common minor ailments are
Eye wash should be done as there is discharge or when eyes are
Eye wash is done to clean eyes and remove discharge of infective
• To clean eyes of excess discharge
• To remove foreign bodies which may be soiled or any
• To reduce inflammation and congestion
• To provide soothing effect to the eyes
Cotton swabs
Spoon or forceps
Towel, mackintosh
Kidney tray
Eye pad
Hand washing articles
Facilities to boil the articles
Explain in detail the procedure
Wash hands with soap and running water. Let your hands drip from elbow and allow
hands to dry in air
Boil articles and keep ready near bedside
Protect the patient clothing with mackintosh and towel
Clean the infected eye first from inner aspect of the eye to
outer of the eye.
Use one swab for one stroke only • Instill
any medicine prescribed Wash hands
Replace the articles
Record the procedure done and followup if required
Conjunctivitis is easily
spread from one person to another, it is very important that others do not use
the infected person towel or handkerchief.
Wash hands after touching eyes
Avoid bathing in canal or pond water
Avoid meeting in crowded places
Try to use dark glasses, if possible
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