Abiogenesis – The emergence of life forms emerging
from non-living chemical systems. In contrast with spontaneous generation,
abiogenesis is not a process that biologists think continues in a particular
environment, such as a planet or moon, once a living system has emerged.
Acidogenesis – Conversion of simple
materials into acetate,
H2 and CO2 by acidogenic bacteria.
Algal bloom – Presence of large
amounts of
nutrients in waste water
causing excessive growth of planktonic algae.
Allergy - A hypersensitivity reaction that can involve various
deleterious effects.
Anthropogenic causes– Problems created by human
Anthropology – The study of differences
and similarities, both
biological and cultural, in human populations. Anthropology is concerned with
typical biological and cultural characteristics of human populations in all
periods and in all parts of the world.
Antisense DNA– It is the non coding
complementary to the
coding strand in double stranded DNA. The antisense strand serves as a template
for mRNA synthesis.
Apoptosis– Is a form of programmed cell death that occurs in
multicellular organisms.
Attenuated – reduced in virulence.
Autoradiography – It is the use of X-ray
or photographic film to
detect radioactive materials.
Bacteriophages– Viruses which infect
Biogeography - The scientific study of
the geographic distribution
of organisms.
Canopy – The canopy is the above ground portion of a plant
community or crop, formed by the collection of individual plant crowns.
Carcinogens– Substance causing cancer
Cardiac arrhythmia– Any variation from the normal rhythm in the
Carrier – An individual heterozygous for a recessive gene that is
not expressed
Catastrophic– Something or substance
that involves or causes a
sudden terrible disaster.
Changes in animals over time in response to
changing environmental factors /conditions. Adaptations help develop
physiological, behavioral and structural / functional traits which increase the
chances of survival of the organisms.
Chemical oxygen demand - A measure of the oxygen required to
oxidize soluble and particulate organic matter in water.
Cirrhosis - Scarring of the liver that impairs its functioning.
Co-dominance – In a heterozygote, the
and recessive allele is
capable of phenotypic expression.
Coacervates – are the microscopic
spontaneously formed spherical aggregates of lipid molecules that are held
together by electrostatic forces and that may have been precursor of cells.
They are the cluster of molecular aggregates in colloidal form which are
bounded by a membrane and grows by absorbing molecules from the environment.
Oparin believed that life developed from coacervates.
Cytolysis - Destruction of cells
Cursorial – A cursorial organism is one that is adapted
specifically to run. Cursorial organisms are typically adapted to long-distance
running at high speeds, rather than animals with high acceleration over short
distances; thus, a cheetah is considered cursorial, while a leopard is not.
Denaturing – Denaturing means
separation or splitting of the double helix into single stands by breaking
hydrogen bonds between the two strands.
Dendritic cells - Professional antigen presenting cells that have long
membrane processes
Diapedesis - The movement of blood
cells (leucocytes) out of the
circulatory system and towards the site of tissue damage or infection
accompanying inflammation.
Dinosaurs - a term coined by Sir Richard Owen for giant extinct
reptiles. Group of animals that have bird-like and lizard-like facial
appearance (Mesozoic).
Distribution – The occurrence of
organisms in a given
area and the way they are distributed in their space, specific time and utilization
of their resources.
DO – Dissolved Oxygen is the amount of gaseous oxygen (O2)
dissolved in the water.
Ecotourism - Travel undertaken to
witness sites or regions of unique natural ecological quality the provision of
services to facilitate such travel.
El Nino– Unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical
Pacific Ocean.
Emphysema– A serious medical condition that occurs when the lungs
become larger and do not work properly, causing difficulty in breathing.
Endemism-The phenomenon in which the organisms are
exclusively restricted to a given area.
Endometriosis – An abnormal condition in which endometrial tissue
that normally lines the uterus grows outside .
Eohippus – ancestor of modern horse.
Euchromatin – Euchromatin is a tightly
form of chromatin that
is enriched in genes, and is often under active transcription.
Eutrophication - Excessive richness of
in a lake or other water
bodies frequently due to run of fertilizers from the land causing dense growth
of plant life.
Fibroids – Fibroids are abnormal growths formed on the outside,
inside or in the walls of the uterus.
Foetus – Developmental stage extending from the ninth week of
development to birth.
Fossorial – Fossorial (from Latin fossor, meaning "digger")
is an animal adapted to digging which lives primarily, but not solely,
underground. Some examples are badgers, naked mole-rats, clams, and mole
Galaxy – a specific arrangement of stars.
Gene bank-A facility established for the ex-situ Conservation of
individuals, seeds, tissues or reproductive cells .
Gene pool – the total gene content of a whole species.
Genetic drift – an alteration in the
gene frequency.
Geology – the study of origin and structure of Earth.
Glaciers– A large mass of ice that moves slowly.
Group of individuals of the same species living
in a given area at a given time and reproduce among themselves.
Haemophilia – A medical condition in
which the ability of the blood
to clot is severely reduced, causing the patient to bleed severely from even a
slight injury.
Haemozoin - Toxic malarial pigment that causes malaria fever.
Hallucination - The sensation of seeing,
or sensing something
that does not exist.
Heterochromatin – Heterochromatin is a tightly packed form of
DNA or condensed DNA.
Homeostasis– It is the state of
steady internal conditions maintained by living things.
Immune reaction – The production of
antibodies in response to antigens
Interferon - An antiviral protein
from virally infected
fibroblasts and leucocytes induces antiviral state in uninfected cells.
Intersex – An individual showing a combination of male and female
Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)-Processed sperm sample is infused
into the uterus, by passing the vagina. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(ICSI)-injection of a sperm directly into the ovum.
Intra uterine transfer (IUT)-Transfer of embryo with more than 8
celled blastomeres into the uterus.
In vitro fertilization (IVF)- Fertilization outside the body in the
In vivo fertilization -fusion of gametes within the female
Inflammation - e.g., Vaginitis-
inflammation in the vagina, urethritis- inflammation in the
urethra,endocervicitis- inflammation inside the cervix, epididymitis -
inflammation in the epididymis, prostatitis - inflammation in the prostate
Keystone species-A species whose loss
from an ecosystem would cause
a greater than average change in other species population or ecosystem process.
Locus – The particular point on the chromosome at which the gene for a
given trait occurs.
Macrophage - A large, leucocyte
derived from a monocyte that functions in phagocytosis,
Malt - Mucosal Associated Lymphoid Tissue collective terms for
secondary lymphoid organs located along various mucous membrane surfaces
including Peyer’s patches, tonsils, appendix
Mast cell - A bone marrow derived
Menarche – Starting of the first menstrual period.
Merozoite - A trophozoite of Plasmodium found in RBC or liver cells.
Methanogenesis – Conversion of acetate,
H2 and CO2 into methane by
methane producing bacteria
Molecular biology – The branch of biology which attempts to
interpret biological events in terms of the physico chemical properties of
molecules in a cell.
Molecular pharming – Production of active pharmaceutical
substances in genetically moldified organisms
Mould – an impression of a complete organism or a part of it in the
rock that surrounds it.
Multple sclerosis– is a demyelinating
disease in
which the insulating
covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged.
Mutation – sudden and inheritable changes.
Narcotic - A powerful drug that produced, relaxed, dreamy state,
derived from Opium plant.
Nascent RNA – Nascent RNA is an
formed RNA. In this RNA
no post transcriptional modification had occured.
NBOD – Nitrogenous BOD
Nk cells - Natural Killer cells
that kill infected and tumor cells.
Nondisjunction – Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous
chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division
NPK fertilizers– Fertilizers with
Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K).
Nucleosome – A morphologically
unit of DNA containing
190 base pairs of DNA folded together with eight histone molecules.
Null cell - A small population of
blood lymphocytes that
lack the membrane markers characteristic of B and T cells.
Natural killer cells are included in this group. Number of
individuals in a population within a defined unit of space and time.
Ontogeny – life history of an individual.
Oocyte – The encysted zygote of Plasmodium
Operon – A cluster of genes whose expression is controlled by a
single operator.
Panspermia – units of life in the
forms of spores.
Permafrost – Any ground that remains completely frozen (32°F
(0°C) or colder) for at least two years straight. These permanently frozen
grounds are most common in regions with high mountains and in Earth’s higher
latitudes near the North and South Poles.
Phenotypicplasticity-theabilityofonegenotype to produce more than one
phenotype when exposed to different environments.
Phylogeny – recalling of ancestral history.
Planetesimals - Planetesimals are the fundamental building
blocks of the planets as well as the ancestors of asteroids and comets.
Polypeptide chain– It consists of smaller subunits or amino acids
that are linked together. They are the building blocks of proteins.
Postpartum – Period of life following
Precursor– A substance from which another is formed, especially by
metabolic reaction
Primer – A short oligonucleotide that hybridizes the template strand and
gives a 3’ – OH end for the initiation of nucleic acid synthesis.
Probe – The probe is a single stranded DNA molecule that is
‘complementary’ to the gene of interest in a sample under study.
Pseudopodia – Blunt temporary
protoplasmic projections found in Amoeba or in some amoeba-like cells.
Psychoactive drug - A chemical substance
that acts on brain and
affects the mind and behaviour of user.
Puberty – Period of reproductive maturity
Pyrolysis– Decomposition brought about by high
Recombinant– A cell or organism whose
complement results from
Redia – Larva in the life cycle ofmost trematodes.
Rheoreceptors – They are receptors in
fish and some amphibians that
respond to water currents.
Saltation – single step large mutation.
Satellite DNA – Short highly repeated eukaryotic DNA
sequences, usually clustered in heterochromatin and generally not transcribed
Saltatorial – Saltatorial is an animal
adapted to
leaping. They have
large, muscular hindlimbs and sometimes, reduced forelimbs. A few example for
jumpers in the animal kingdom include fleas, froghoppers, grasshoppers, and
Schizogony - The process of multiple
fission, in
which one organism
divides to produce many daughter cells.
Schizont – The trophozoite of Plasmodium grows in size to form the
Selection – choosing the better adapted alleles from the mixed
Sewage - Domestic waste water containing various solid and liquid waste
materials including human excreta.
Single cell protein (SCP) – A protein derived from a culture of single
celled organisms used especially as a food supplement.
SOD– Sediment Oxygen Demand is the rate at which dissolved oxygen
is removed from the water column during the decomposition of organic matter in
streambed or lakebed sediments.
Solubilisation – Dissolving the feed
stock in water to make a slurry for anaerobic digestion.
Speciation – formation of new species
from the
pre-existing ones.
Structural gene – A gene coding for the
of a protein.
Taq DNA polymerase– is a thermostable DNA polymerase
obtained from thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus. It helps in the
synthesis of DNA.
Transgene– The target gene responsible for the development of
transgenic organism.
Trophozoite stage – In Plasmodium life
cryptomerozoites in the
RBC become round and it modifies into a young trophozoite.
Umbilical cord – Structure bearing
arteries and veins connecting the placenta and the foetus.
Variations – dissimilarity between
the members of the same species.
Vitrification– Transformation of a
substance into a glass.
Volatility– A liquid or substance is one that will quickly change into a
Withdrawal symptoms - The reactions experienced by an addict
after he/she stops using drugs.
Woolly mammoth – A hairy relative of
elephant that lived in
cold climates.
Zoogeography – study of details with
the geographical
distribution of animals.
Zygote intra fallopian transfer-(ZIFT) transfer of zygote or
embryo with 8 or less than 8 celled blastomeres into the fallopian tube.
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