Future Trends in Biosolids Processing
New solids processing systems
have not been developed as rapidly as liquid unit operations and processes.
Anaerobic digestion remains the principal process for the stabilization of
solids. Egg-shaped digesters, developed in Europe for anaerobic digestion, are
being used more extensively in the United States because of advantages of
easier operation, lower operation and maintenance costs, and, in some cases,
increased volatile solids destruction (which also increases the production of
reusable methane gas) (see Fig. 1-8). Other
developments in anaerobic and aerobic digestion include temperature-phased
anaerobic digestion and auto thermal aerobic digestion (ATAD), another process
developed in Europe. These processes offer advantages of improved volatile
solids destruction and the production of stabilized biosolids that meet Class A
High solids centrifuges and heat
dryers are expected to be used more extensively. High solids centrifuges
extract a greater percentage of the water in liquid sludge, thus providing a
dryer cake. Improved dewatering not only reduces the volume of solids
further processing and disposal, but allows composting or subsequent drying to
be performed more efficiently. Heat drying provides further volume reduction
and improves the quality of the product for potential commercial marketing.
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