First order landforms
Continents and oceans are grouped
as first order landforms. The vast land masses on Earth are called Continents
and huge water bodies are called Oceans. There are seven continents. They
are Asia, Africa, North
America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. Asia is the largest continent, whereas
Australia is the smallest one.
Land classification
- Sangam period
1. Kurinji- Mountain and its environs
2. Mullai- Forest and its surroundings
3. Marutham
- Agricultural land and its
adjoining areas.
4. Neithal- Sea and its environs
5. Palai- Desert region
Which of the above land form category do you belong to?
Apart from continents,
there are five oceans located on the Earth’s surface. They are the Pacific, Atlantic,
Indian, Southern and Arctic Ocean. Among these oceans, the Pacific
Ocean is the largest and the Arctic Ocean is the smallest.
* A round
* 7 slices
of one carrot
A glass of water
the abbreviations As, Af, NA, SA, An, Eu and Au on each slice in descending order
of its size.
The teacher
hangs a wall map of the world.
The students
have the expansion of each abbreviation written on the board.
now try to place the slices on the plate matching the position of the continents
in the map.
They pour
some water.
The teacher
shows the oceans.
the students put their fingers in the respective places and repeat the names of
the ocean stirring the water.
The students
learn the position, comparative size of the continent and the position of oceans.
: A narrow strip of land which connects
two large landmasses or separates two large waterbodies.
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