is a way of limiting the information that appears on screen. Filters are a
feature for displaying and browsing a selected list or subset of data from a
worksheet. The visible records satisfy the condition that the user sets. Those
that do not satisfy the condition are only hidden, but not removed.
Calc allows three types of filters. They are AutoFilter, Standard Filter
and Advanced
Filter applies a drop- down list box to each field (columns) filled with
similar data available in that field. Using the list box item, you can filter
the data that matches the criteria of the data concerned.
Click Auto Filter icon available on the “Standard tools bar” (or) Click Data → Filter → Auto
•The list box contains similar data in the fields. Refer
Figure 11.10 and 11.11
Each list box item will be considered as filter criteria.
Select the data item from the list box. Now, Calc shows only the records which
are satisfy the selected criteria.
you want to apply an auto filter to the contents of the Figure 11.4, follow the following two steps
1: Place cell pointer anywhere in the table
2: Click Auto Filter icon available on the “Standard tools bar” (or) Click Data → Filter →
Auto Filter
the above table, if you want to view only the students belongs to the Group Code 402;
Click the dropdown list box’s drop arrow (a tiny triangle) to get the filter
criteria. (Refer Figure 11.11)
•Select group code 402 from the list
The spreadsheet displays only the student’s details those who are studing in
group code 402 (Refer Figure 11.12)
and the remaining details are only hidden.
To remove auto filter, click “Auto
filter” icon once again .
The original table is displayed without filter.
filter is used only for single criteria on a data, whereas the Standard filter
is used for multiple critieria to filter.
Select Data → Filter → Standard Filter.
Now, the entire data is selected and "Standard Filter" dialog box
dispalys as shown in Figure 11.14.
Select the column heading from the “Filed name” list box for first criteria.
Select conditional opeator such as >, <, = etc., from “Condition” list
Type or select the value of critera in the “Value” box.
Select the one of the logical operator (And / Or) from “Operator” list box to
fix second criteria.
Follow the step 2, for the next criteria.
Click “OK” to finish.
you want to filter the records of “BC” students of group code 402 from the Figure 11.4.
Step 1: Select Data →Filter
→ Standard Filter
Now, “Standard Filter” dialog box appears as in Figure 11.14.
Step 2: In “Standard Filter” dialog box,
select the first criteria;
Select Field name as Group code
Select Condition as =
Type or select Value as 402
Step 3: To select the second criteria;
Select Operator as “AND”
Select Field name as Class
Select Condition as =
• Type or select Value as XII- H2
Step 4: Click “OK”
Now, the table displays only the recods which are match for the given two
criteria. Refer Figure 11.15.
Select Data → Filter → Remove Filter
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