Fabric can be made by different meth-ods. Fabric
is the combination of yarns to make a full sheet. Fabric can be made by
weaving, knitting and non- woven techniques. Weaving and knitting meth-ods
require long yarns but non-wo-ven method can use small fibres also. Weaving is
the name given to the inter-lacing of two sets of yarns, warp and weft at right
angles and the fabric thus formed is called as woven fabric. The warp yarns are
those yarns which lie in the length-wise direction of a fabric and the
cross-wise yarns are called weft. The direction of the yarns is considered
important in garment designing. The lengthwise edge of fabric is called
selvedge. Grain indi-cates the direction of the warp or weft yarn. If the
yarns are not at right angle, it is called off grain.
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