Exercise 3.2
1. Circle/underline the multiples of 9 (by
using casting out nine).
a) 9443
b) 1008
c) 24689
d) 23769
e) 13476
a) 9443
4+4+3 = 11
= 1 + 1 = 2
2 ≠ 9
Not multiple of 9
b) 1008
Multiple of 9
c) 24689
2+4+6+8 = 20
= 2 + 0
Not multiple of 9
d) 23769
It is multiple of 9
e) 13476
1+4+7 = 12
1+2 = 3 ≠ 9
It is not multiple
of 9
2. Circle the correct addition fact
(by using casting out nine method).
a) 4355 + 5369 = 9724
b) 7632 + 2213 = 9845
c) 6023 + 3203 = 9220
d) 2436 + 5315 = 7701
a) 4355 + 5369 = 9724
4355 + 5369 = 9724
3+5+5 = 4
13 = 4
1 + 3 = 4
4 = 4
It is correct
addition fact.
b) 7632 + 2213 =
7632 + 2213 = 9845
2+2+1+3 = 8
8 = 8
It is correct
addition fact.
c) 6023 + 3203 =
6023 + 3203 = 9220
2+3+2+3 = 2+2
2 + 8 = 4
10 = 4
1 ≠ 4
It is not correct
addition fact.
d) 2436 + 5315 =
2436 + 5315 = 7701
2+4 + 5+3+1+5 = 7 +
7 + 1
6+14 = 15
20 = 15
2 ≠ 6
It is not correct
addition fact.
3. Circle the correct subtraction
fact (by using casting out nine methods).
a) 7420
− 3625 = 3795
b) 2362 − 632 = 1720
c) 6732
− 4361 = 2371
d) 3264 − 1063 = 2200
a) 7420 − 3625 = 3795
7420 − 3625 = 3795
7 + 4 + 2 − 7 =
13 – 7 = 15
6 = 6
It is correct
subtraction fact.
b) 2362 − 632 = 1720
2362 − 632 = 1720
4 − 2 = 1
2 = 1
2 ≠ 1
It is not correct
subtraction fact.
c) 6732 – 4361 = 2371
6732 – 4361
= 2371
6+3 – 4+1 = 3+1
9 − 5 = 4
4 = 4
It is correct
subtraction fact.
d) 3264 − 1063 =
3264 − 1063 = 2200
2 + 4 − 1 = 2 + 2
6 – 1 = 4
5 ≠ 4
It is not correct
subtraction fact.
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