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Chapter: Microbiology and Immunology: Virology, Virus: Adenoviruses

Epidemiology - Adenovirus

Adenovirus infections are found worldwide.


Adenovirus infections are found worldwide.

 Geographical distribution

More than one serotypes of virus may produce the same clinical syndrome, and one serotype of virus may cause clinically dif-ferent diseases. Adenoviruses 1–7 are the common serotypes worldwide and are responsible for most cases of adenovirus-associated infections.

Reservoir, source, and transmission of infection

Adenovirus infections are exclusively human infections. No animal reservoirs are present. Infected symptomatic as well as asymptomatic humans who excrete adenoviruses intermit-tently in their respiratory secretions and also in their stool are the sources of infection. The infection is transmitted from person-to-person directly by

·           aerosol droplets,

·           feco–oral route,

·           direct inoculation of conjunctiva by contaminated fingers,

·           contaminated fomites including towels and medical instru-ments, and

·           swimming in improperly disinfected swimming pool.

Overcrowding, poor hygiene, and close contact facilitate trans-mission of infection. Adenovirus typically affects children, starting from infants to school-going ones, though children of any age may be affected.

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