Discharging the Patient
Discharge is a preparation of a
patient and discharge records to leave the hospital.
To ensure continuity of care to the patient after discharge.
To assist the patient in discharge process.
The patient are discharged from
the hospital in one of the following ways.
Discharge to home. The discharge to home or another hospital or another
unit within the hospital is initiated by the doctor who advises the patient
that he is well enough to leave the hospital or requires treatment in another unit
within the hospital or in an another hospital.
Discharge to another hospital or
another unit within the hospital (referral). When a patient or family is not satisfied with the treatment or care given and wants to
leave the hospital against the medical advice, in such cases the patient of the
relative is asked to sign a statement that he is going or taking the patient on
his own will and responsibility.
Discharge against medical advice
(AMA). Patient
leaves the hospital against the
medical officer’s advice when a patient escapes from the hospital without the
knowledge of the hospital staff and without signing the said statement he is
treated as absconded in the records.
Inform the patient and the relatives a day or two before the discharge.
Get the discharge slip prepared after checking the vital signs
and examining the patient.
The nurses should see that the patients personnel hygiene is
maintained, he is dressed in home clothes and has taken meals.
Hand over the patient’s belongings and any valuables, which have
been kept safely, to the patient or the relative under proper receipt.
the unit admission and discharge registers, case sheet and other records.
Hand over the case sheet and other records to medical records to
medical record department under proper receipt.
Inform the hospital authorities about the discharge if the
patient is medico-legal.
Hand over the discharge slip to the patient or relative and
explain about
a. The treatment and the diet to be taken at home
b. Follow-up visits and inform to bring the discharge slip
on every visits
c. Any special advices pertaining to condition
See that the patient receives all the medicines as per discharge
Check the hospital things before the patient leaves the ward.
Place the patient in the wheel chair or stretcher.
According to the patient’s condition until he leaves the
hospital. Immediately after the patient leaves reorganize the patient unit.
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