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Chapter: Business Science : Information Management : Security, Control and Reporting

Computer Crimes

Definition: the act of using a computer to commit an illegal act - Authorized and unauthorized computer access

Computer Crimes


            Definition: the act of using a computer to commit an illegal act


–   Authorized and unauthorized computer access


–   Examples


·     Stealing time on company computers


·     Breaking into government Web sites


·     Stealing credit card information


            Federal and State Laws


–   Stealing or compromising data


–   Gaining unauthorized computer access


–   Violating data belonging to banks


–   Intercepting communications


–   Threatening to damage computer systems


–   Disseminating viruses


            Hacking and Cracking


–   Hacker – one who gains unauthorized computer access, but without doing damage


–   Cracker – one who breaks into computer systems for the purpose of doing damage


1 Types of computer crime


Data diddling: modifying data


Salami slicing: skimming small amounts of money


Phreaking: making free long distance calls


Cloning: cellular phone fraud using scanners


Carding: stealing credit card numbers online


Piggybacking: stealing credit card numbers by spying


Social engineering: tricking employees to gain access


Dumpster diving: finding private info in garbage cans


Spoofing: stealing passwords through a false login page


Software piracy


–   North America – 25%



–   Western Europe – 34%


–   Asia / Pacific – 51%


–   Mid East / Africa – 55%


–   Latin America – 58%


–   Eastern Europe – 63%


            Computer viruses and destructive code


–   Virus – a destructive program that disrupts the normal functioning of computer systems


–   Types:


·     Worm: usually does not destroy files; copies itself


·     Trojan horses: Activates without being detected; does not copy itself


·     Logic or time bombs: A type of Trojan horse that stays dormant for a period of time before activating


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