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Chapter: Essentials of Psychiatry: Substance Abuse: Cocaine Use Disorders

Cocaine Dependence

Cocaine has a short half-life requiring frequent dosing to main-tain the “high” (binge use).

Cocaine Dependence


Cocaine has a short half-life requiring frequent dosing to main-tain the “high” (binge use). Persons with cocaine dependence often spend large amounts of money for the drug and may be involved in illegal activities to obtain cocaine. Binges may be separated by several days while the individual recovers or at-tempts to obtain more money for drug purchase. Illegal activities such as theft and prostitution are often engaged in to obtain cash for cocaine. Obligations such as employment and childcare are often neglected. Tolerance to cocaine effects develops quickly, resulting in larger amounts of drug use with time. This is often associated with mental or physical complications of use including paranoia, aggressive behavior, anxiety and agitation, depression and weight loss. Withdrawal symptoms, most prominently dys-phoric mood, may be seen but are usually short-lived and clear within several days of abstinence. The criteria of cocaine de-pendence is identical to that of substance dependence and may be found on p. 411.

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