Classification of Design
The design is classified into two as Structural design and
Decorative design. The decorative design may be divided into five type’s namely
naturalistic, conventional, abstract, historic and geometric designs.
The structure of an object is an integral part of the design and
is said to be structural design. As far as the textiles are concerned, the
woven pattern itself is the structural design. The garment details such as
yokes, collars, pockets, sleeves as well as the seam lines are the structural
design. The structural designs should meet basic criteria and should serve the
purpose, be simple in design, appear perfect in proportion and have good choice
of material.
Structural design can be classified into two types as good
structural design and bad structural design.
To create any garment with good structural design, there are some
criteria to be fulfilled. They are:
the silhouette should match the body structure
provide comfort to the wearer
line, form and texture should merge with the body structure.
When the above criteria are not fulfilled the garment is said to
have bad structural design.
Decorative design is the surface enrichment on any fabric or a
garment. It is applied on structural design for the purpose of adding a richer
appearance. When design is imparted after weaving, it becomes decorative
Examples - applique, patch work, embroidery, painting or any
trimmings or decoration.
Good decorative design should be :
moderate and simple
placed in a structural point (collar, seam line, pocket, sleeve
and yoke)
shape enhancing
suitable for the material and garment style
emphasized with enough background space
uniform in distribution of pattern
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