Childern will be able to:
* describe the importance of Childline.
* understand child safety.
* distinguish between safe touch and unsafe touch.
Father is reading the newspaper. While the son and daughter peeps into
the paper and finds an advertisement of ‘Childline -
Son : Dad, What
does this Childline number mean?
Father : Childline number is a
helpline number for children under the age of eigtheen.
Daughter : Oh! Do they
help children in doing their homework?
Father : Ha, ha! No,
dear. It helps children who are in need of help and care.
Son : I didn‛t
know about this.
Father : Childline
service was first established as a project in the year 1996. Later between
1998-99, Childline was established all across India under the Ministry of Women
and Child development.
Son : It has been
there for a very long time then.
Father : Yes! In May
2013, Childline in Ahmedabad rescued around 16 children who were working in
various parts of the city. Child Labour is an
offence in India.
Daughter : Oh! Is it?
Father : Childline
helps children who
• are work as labourers.
• are abandoned by their parents.
• are differently abled.
• are live in streets.
Son : How do they
exactly know where and how children need help?
Integrated Child
Development Services (ICDS) is
a centrally sponsored scheme of government of India for early childhood care
and development.
Let us do
Which is the safest way of
travelling? Put (✔) or (✖) in the boxes.
Father : Childline
number is 1098. One can call on this number and ask for help or
inform if they find children who need help.
The National Child Labour Projects (NCLPs) have been set up to rehabilitate child labour.
The children identified by the NCLP are to be withdrawn from the dangerous
occupations and put into special schools.
Son : Oh I
understand now. A child‛s safety is very important.
Father : Well said,
son. There are many laws to protect children.
Daughter : What are
Father : We have
helplines and laws to support and protect children. But it is very important to
teach children of how to be safe and aware of what‛s happening around them.
us write
Which is Safe touch / Unsafe touch?
Son : Oh, good to know.
Daughter : What are you going to teach us, Dad?
Father : I will teach
you about Safe touch and unsafe touch.
Son : Tell me more
about it.
Father : Hugs from family,
or high-fives with your friends are all safe touch.
Daughter : What is unsafe touch, dad?
Father : It is unsafe
when someone touches your chest, between your legs or lips or asks you to touch
Son : What about
when I am not well and go for a check-up to a doctor?
Father : That‛s a
very good question, dear. Doctors may touch these parts while they are doing a
check-up and either me or your mother are in the same room.
Daughter : Okay, dad.
Father : If someone
touches you unsafely they might scare you to keep it as a secret. They might
get you gifts that you don‛t tell anyone. But remember dear, you must always
inform me or your mother about it.
Son : Yes, I will
definitely i nform you or mom.
The Indian
Penal Code 1860, punishes people who involve in child trafficking. There is
also The Prohibition of Child Marriage
Act, that prevents child marriages.
The Ministry
of Women and Child Development has placed the draft National Policy on Child Protection. It aims at providing a safe
environment for all children.
Father : If you are
ever touched on any of these parts of your body by someone you know or someone
in the family, then you must inform your teacher or another family member.
Son and Daughter: Sure, Dad.
We will definitely inform if something like this happens. Thank you for talking to us about this.
Father : Don‛t thank
me because it is every parents‛ and teachers‛ duty to talk to children about
this. It will help you be safe and happy.
Labour : Heavy physical work
Prohibition : Refusal to approve
Rescue : Save from danger
* Childline helps children who are in need of care
and protection.
* Childline was first established as a project in
the year 1996.
* Childline helps children under the age of
eigtheen who work as labourers.
* Hugs from family, or high-fives with friends are
all safe touch.
* If someone touches chest, between your legs or
lips of your body is unsafe touch.
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