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Chapter: 11th Computer Applications : Chapter 15 : Control Structure in JavaScript

Branching or Selection Statements in JavaScript

JavaScript supports branching statements which are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.

Branching Statements:


JavaScript supports branching statements which are used to perform different actions based on different conditions. Branching is a transfer of control from the current statement to another statement or construct in the program unit. A branch alters the execution sequence. There are different branching statements. They are,

                  if statement

                  if … else statement

                  else if statement

                  switch statement


1. if and if..else Statement:


The if statement is the fundamental control statement that allows JavaScript to make decisions to execute statements conditionally. This statement has two forms. The form is for only true condition. The syntax is

if (condition)


True block;


In the if form, condition contains relational/logical expression is evaluated. If the resulting value is true the true block is executed. True block may contain one or more than one statement. For example

Illustration 15.1 Demo to Test if command



        <Title>Demo Program - To test if command in JavaScript </Title>



        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

        var age = prompt("Please enter your Age :", "0");



        alert("You Are Eligible to Vote ....");





The output will be

The second form of the if statement is an else clause that is the program to follow either of two branches depending on the condition. In the simple if construction, no special processing is performed when the condition evaluates to false. But if processing must follow one of two paths, hence need to use if...else format. Its syntax is:

if (expression)


        statements if true




        statements if false


This form is similar to if statement but the only difference is the else keyword, which provides an alternate path for execution to follow if the condition evaluates to false.


Illustration 15.2 Using if.. else statement



        <Title>Demo Program - To test if..else command in JavaScript </Title>



<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

        var age = prompt("Please enter your Age :", "0");



        alert("You Are Eligible to get Driving Licence..");




        alert("You Are Not Eligible to get Driving Licence..");





The output will be


2. else if Statement:


The if ... else statement evaluates an expression and executes one of two pieces of code, depending on the outcome. The else if statement to specify a new condition if the first condition is false.

if (n == 10)


        // Execute code block #1


else if (n == 20)


        // Execute code block #2


else if (n == 30)


        // Execute code block #3




        // If all else fails, execute block #4



Illustration 15.3 Using Logical Operators and else if Statement



        <Title>Program - To test else ..if command in JavaScript </Title>



<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

var marks = prompt("Please enter your Marks/100 :", "0");



document.write("Your Grade is Outstanding..");


else if((marks>70) && (marks<=90))


document.write("Your Grade is Excellent..");


else if((marks>50) && (marks<=70))


document.write("Your Grade is Good..");


else if((marks>40) && (marks<=50))


document.write("Your Grade is Satisfectory..");




document.write("Your Grade Poor and have to re-appear Exam..");





The output will be

There is nothing special about this code. It is just a series of if statements, where each following if is a part of the else clause of the previous statement. Using the else if idiom is preferable to, and more legible than, writing these statements out in their syntactically equivalent, fully nested form:

if (n == 10)


/Execute code block #1




if (n == 20)



        // Execute code block #2




if (n == 30)


        // Execute code block #3




        // If all else fails, execute block #4





3. switch case Statement:


JavaScripts offers the switch statement as an alternate to using if...else structure. The switch statement is especially useful when testing all the possible results of an expression. The syntax of a switch structure as the following:



        case label1: statements1;


case label2:



case labeln;

        statements - N;






4. Break and Default Statement


The switch statement begins by evaluating an expression placed between parenthesis, much like the if statement. The result compared to labels associated with case structure that follow the switch statement. If the result is equal to a label, the statements in the corresponding case structure are executed. The default structure is can be at the end of a switch structure if the result of the expression that do not match any of the case labels. The break statement is also used commonly within switch to exit the statement once the appropriate choice is found.


Illustration 15.4 Using Switch Statement



        <Title>Program - To test witch command in JavaScript </Title>



<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

var grade=0;

var marks=prompt(“Please enter your marks/100:”,”0”);



else if(marks>70)&&(marks<=90)


else if(marks>50)&&(marks<=70)


else if(marks>40)&&(marks<=50)






case 1:

document.write("Your Grade is Outstanding.."); break;

case 2:

document.write("Your Grade is Excellent.."); break;

case 3:

document.write("Your Grade is Good..");


case 4:

document.write("Your Grade is Satisfectory.."); break;


document.write("Your Grade Poor and have to re-appear Exam..");





The output will be


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11th Computer Applications : Chapter 15 : Control Structure in JavaScript : Branching or Selection Statements in JavaScript |

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